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How to download it with and without IO application

How to download it with and without IO application

On June 17, Prime Minister Mario Draghi signed the DBCM, which defines which methods Covit-19 Digital Green Certificate. In other words, the Green Pass is used to travel between different EU countries (from July 1), but is also used to participate in events such as ceremonies after weddings or to enter the welfare of the RSA and other structures. These days, with instructions on how to download the Green Pass, notifications have come in via email or SMS to many citizens who have already been vaccinated. Here’s how to do it.

How to download a certificate with or without digital identification

Can be downloaded via Green Pass Digital identification (SPID or CIE) is appropriate Government site. Using your health card, the certificate can be downloaded without digital identification, always on the official government page. The last eight digits of the ID number on the card and the expiration date will suffice. If you have not yet been vaccinated, or you do not have a certificate of cure, you should also include the unique code obtained with the molecule or rapid antigenic cloth. Also, it should be available soon to download Green Pass by accessing its regional electronic file website.

How To Download Green Pass Through App

You can also use the applications to download Green Pass. For example, you can useApplication Immunityi, by going to the appropriate area dedicated to EU Digital Covit Certificate located on the home screen of the application In this case, the last eight digits of the health card identification number must include the expiration date and the unique code obtained by the molecular fabric, the rapid antigenic fabric or the healing certificate.

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Or, you can useApplication IO, So that you can receive a message directly each time a certificate is issued. If you then open the message (after receiving the vaccine, cloth or requesting a recovery certificate) the application will display a QR code and your certificate-related data directly from the application. The QR code can also be stored, making it available in offline mode as well.