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How to download Green Pass even without code via text message

How to download Green Pass even without code via text message

You can download Green Pass in different ways, but there are still many doubts for those who want to get the Govit-19 green certificate. We will understand who is eligible, what you should do if you do not receive the code sent by email or SMS from the Ministry of Health, how long the document is valid, what the exclusive site is and how to download it. Even without trusting digital channels.

Now you understand: The Green Boss, You may have heard what you called EU Digital Govt Certification Oh Covit-19 Green Certificate, Will basically be the pass that allows you To travel In Italy and Europe in the summer, but not only. On Thursday evening, July 22, the Council of Ministers approved New Order Forces Green Pass to sit from August 6th Indoor bars and restaurants, But attend Cinema, Gyms, Swimming pool, Levels e Amusement parks. As a result, more and more people are wondering How to Get a Green Pass How to solve any problems in getting it Download.

First, we will understand who is eligible to receive the Covit-19 Green Certificate by relying on the questions posted on the dedicated portal. To get it, you must follow one of these conditions:

  • If you did Single dose vaccine Or have you received? First dose For at least 15 days
  • Say Hi Completion Vaccine cycle So you got the second dose (if needed)
  • If you did By molecule or quick cloth You ended up in the last 48 hours Negative
  • If you can prove you Recovered from Govt-19 in previous 6 months

In these cases, it is raised along the way Automatic e Free Green Pass with QR code, which allows you to verify that the document is authentic and valid.

How to get it

If you comply with one of the conditions I have listed for you, The Green Boss is generated automatically Also, after receiving an email or text message indicating its availability, You can download it here In different ways, primarily through digital channels.

One of the most convenient solutions that allows you to download it through the applications installed on your smartphone. For example, if you haveProcessor immunity Enter your health card number and expiration dateAUTHCODE, Or Code You will receive it by email or message. If you have already downloadedApplication IO, You can sign in with Digital Identification (SPID / CIE) Start directly from the received message and view the green certificate.

Alternatively, you can decide to visit Dedicated site Go to the EU Digital Govt Certificate ( and proceed in 2 different ways. You can always sign in with your SPID / CIE digital ID or, in this case, enter your health card number and AUTHCODE: At this point, you will be redirected to the new page you completed. Download Green Pass With the “Download Certificate” or “Download QR Code” buttons, it will only allow you to view and save the code containing the document information. Another digital channel is available to download the certificate Electronic health registration You can access it from your region’s website.

If you do not have the digital tools I have specified for you, you can obtain the Green Govt-19 certificate directly Pharmacist, From you General Physician Or from Pediatrician, Remember only Bring your tax code and health card with you.

Is valid

After downloading Green Pass, you will be amazed How long is it valid?. The Time The green certificate first depends on how you got it:

  • If you have received Before two doses of the vaccine, Green Boss will be generated From the 15th day after administration It will be Valid until the second dose
  • If you did The second dose of the vaccine, Or one dose you will get the green Govit-19 certificate because you have previously contracted Govit-19 Within 2 days It will be Valid for 270 days (Approximately 9 months) from date of administration
  • If you have been paid a Single dose vaccineInstead, you can download Green Pass From the 15th day after administration In this case the validity of the document will be 270 days
  • One if you run Wipe with negative result, Green Boss will be created in a few hours, and this one Valid for 48 hours only From the time of collection
  • Maybe Healing From Govit-19, you can get the green certificate Within the next day From the issuance of the certificate e It lasts 180 days (6 months)

How To Download Green Pass Without AUTHCODE Code

When you respect the necessary conditions, you Did not receive any message or email Green Pass contains the AUTHCODE code required in many cases to download. To recover the code, you can, even if you have lost it Call the Public Utility Number 1500, But keep in mind that you do not need AUTHCODE if you have a SPID / CIE digital ID, as you will need to log in via the IO application or the dedicated website Described to you.

After reading these answers You still have doubts On how to get Green Pass, you can visit Section with frequently asked questions The green certificate is on the dedicated portal.

Source | Ministry of Health

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Integrate, do not change, The relationship between a patient and their physician.

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