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How To Download And Install Beta Insider

How To Download And Install Beta Insider

Windows 11 is available for testing for members of the Insider program. Here’s how to download and install the latest version of Windows ahead of time.

After significant presentation and some communication issues, it is officially available to members of the Windows 11 Insider program. If you want to try the OS ahead of time, here’s how.

Beta, Privacy and Professional Use

First a warning message. Windows 11 is currently only available as an insider version, and on the Dev channel. This means these versions may have very annoying, blocking, and even bugs that will be fixed later in other updates.

In other words, It is strongly advised not to install this beta on your main computer or worse, on a computer for professional use.

Also, since it is a beta, Microsoft has the right to extract a lot of telemetry data to diagnose and fix problems. The goal of the Microsoft game is this: to test the software in a maximum of different configurations around the world whether or not to take automated feedback.

Minimal configuration

Microsoft has announced the following minimum system requirements for Windows 11.

  • 2-core processor, 1 GHz in the list of processors AMD, Intel Or ARM
  • 4 Go to RAM
  • 64GB storage
  • UEFI, secure boot and TPM 2.0
  • DirectX 12 with WDDM 2.x.
  • Screen over 9 inches with a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels

Note that this minimum configuration only applies when Windows 11 is released. Meanwhile, the Insider program does not restrict the installation of Windows 11 (in beta) on PCs that do not meet the criteria for DPM and processor listing.

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Please note, Microsoft warns that the standard version of Windows 11 cannot be installed on PCs that do not meet the final criteria. In October, the company points out that it will be necessary to reinstall Windows 10 on these computers to continue receiving support.

How to test Windows 11 on PC?

Installing Beta from Windows 10 PC is very straightforward. Sign up for the Windows Insider program. To do this, go to the Settings app, then the “Update and Security” section and finally the “Insider Program” section.

During registration, the system prompts you to select your “Internal Settings”. To test Windows 11, you must select ” Canal Dev While waiting for the arrival of the first buildings on The Beta Channel.

The Windows Insider page is empty

If the Windows Insider page is empty in the settings without giving you the option to register, it may be due to your privacy settings.

I agree to go to the Windows 10 privacy settings and send custom diagnostic data. They should be in the Insider program.

Requires a Microsoft account on Windows 11 Home

If you have a Windows 10 home version, Microsoft will provide the Windows 11 Home update. Please note that in this new version, the use of Microsoft account is mandatory.

This is an option for Windows 11 Pro.

How to test Windows 11 on virtual machine?

The best way to test Windows 11 on your computer without any risk is to test it on a virtual machine.

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For this you need a virtual machine manager such as Microsoft’s Hyper-V (Windows 10 Pro, Education or Institution) or Virtual Box.

Attention is required to have a sufficiently powerful engine with at least 8 or 16GB of RAM and a modern and efficient processor.

To enjoy Windows 11 with Virtual Machine, you must first Download the latest Insider Dev version of Windows 10 ISO to date.

From this installation, you can follow procedures such as Classic PC via Windows 10 settings to install the update to Windows 11.