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How long does it take to download Cyberpunk 2077 (and its one day patch)?

How long does it take to download Cyberpunk 2077 (and its one day patch)?

(Credit: CD Project Red)

Cyberpunk 2077 is finally here. But depending on how fast your internet connection is, it may take a while to download the game to your computer.

Developer CD Project Red says you need 70GB of storage for Cyberbunk 2077. So if you are on a 25 Mbps connection — approx Average Broadband speeds in the US can take up to 6 hours to download. We’ve crushed the numbers, here’s how long it can take depending on your connection.

If you buy the game from Steam, the download size should be small 60.2 GB, So you can expect a shorter wait time.

Cyberbunk 2077 (for PC)

The bad news is, even CD Project Red Published A link of 43 GB per day to fix bugs in the game. So you may find yourself on another download line before launching Cyberbank 2077 on your computer, forcing it to wait again.

In total, 100GB + download is 10 hours to download the game if you have 25 Mbps connection. If you have a 3Mbps connection — which some rural internet users encounter — then connect yourself to a three-day wait.

Cyberpunk 2077 is also available for consoles. This appears to be the initial download Xbox One And the X / S versions of the game series are 60GB. However PlayStation 4 And PS5, expect downloads reaching 102GB.

In addition, IGN Reports Another day for consoles — a 28GB patch is coming out. So again, don’t be surprised if it takes you a while to start the game.

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We also suspect that the download volume will only get bigger in the coming weeks. Unfortunately, Cyberbunk 2077 bugs play its fair share, which can drag on the experience. In response, CD Project Red refers to more patches and updates are coming.

The report was co-authored by Sacha Segan and Eric Griffith.

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