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How do I calculate the number of steps I can take with my smartphone?

How do I calculate the number of steps I can take with my smartphone?

To keep yourself healthy, you will walk without fail Popular 10,000 steps a day Part of your good resolutions! To help you achieve this goal, or to monitor your daily activities, not only outside but also at home. Your phone will be a very useful tool. In the right number, slip it in a pocket so you don’t miss it. Also read: Walking briskly: Do you know its benefits?

IPhone on iPhone

1) Health use

In your pocket or bag, your phone records your daily activities Health use, Integrated by default.

To perform step calculation,Check the “Settings”, then “Privacy”, “Movements and Format” “Fitness Monitor” button and activate the “Health” app. You can visualize your daily movements and the distance in kilometers and the number of steps on a map. Convenient!

2) Pedometer-step counter

This downloadable application uses your phone’s sensor to measure your gait. Calories expended and duration of the walk are calculated. Want to know where you are on a walk? Look at the map in use in real time. Battery saving GPS is not required. Download App Store Or Google Games

2) Apps on Android

Some Android smartphone brands offer their own healthcare apps Who can count your steps specifically. Sometimes you just need to download it, but most of the time it is already installed on your phone by default.

1) With a Samsung smartphone:

L’application Samsung Health Installed by default. When you first open it, the app may ask you to go to the device’s location if you have not already. Accept her as she counts your steps. The application then allows you to monitor many health parameters and other sports activities.

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2) With Huawei smartphone:

Installed by default on Chinese-made smartphones Hawaii Health Measure your movements. No settings required, just open the app to see the number of steps. You can also attach compatible hygiene items (attached clock, size) to closely monitor your health.

3) Google Fit on all Android smartphones:

Google’s Android system will automatically calculate the steps as you move with your smartphone. To view this data, you can install the free app Google Match (It also works on Apple smartphones).

  1. Open the app and sign in with your Google Account When the engine starts. Enter your height, weight, gender and date of birth if you wish. On the next screen, Click Activate In the lower right to allow the app to follow your steps. Then click Authorize. Click again To implement Allows the app to use your location. Then click Always allow. Here we go, you have nothing else! *

* If the app does not seem to work, check your smartphone’s settings to see if it has the power to track you: Settings -> Privacy-> Authorization Manager -> Physical Activity. Click Fit, Then Check Permission. You need to start counting your steps.