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How did I meet your mom’s character?

How did I meet your mom’s character?

Today’s test is about the most popular TV series: How I Met Your Mother. Discover your personality based on your favorite character

How did I test your mom
Photo by Jason Merritt for Getty Images

The Test Today is a little different than we were subject to you recently. You should always make a choice but, in this case, the main topic is not your habits or diet, but one TV series. We are talking How I met your mother, Aired a few years ago, is still one of the most popular TV series today.

Thanks to the continuous reprint of this series, even the younger ones are well aware of this TV production. For this reason, we want to use it to test yours Personality Also find out some of your features Character That, perhaps, you would not even know. The test is very simple, you should take a few minutes.

If you haven’t watched this TV series yet, know that you can enjoy an episode every day on satellite or Dell channels. DDT. Alternatively, it is always available Netflix, With verses in Italian and English, if you want to try the experience of hearing real voices Heroes Of this TV series.

Apparently, Science is not valid for experimentation. It’s a way to entertain our readers, allowing them to spend a few minutes from the daily grind. You are now almost ready to start testing. Follow Instructions Then scroll down the search text Solutions.

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What is your favorite character in how I met your mother?

Ted Robin
Photo by Stephen Lovekin for each cartridge

Take a good look at the picture above. That’s because you have to know it Act One of the most watched TV series so far: How I met your mother. They Josh Ratner, Jason Seagull, Kobe Smolders, Neil Patrick Harris Version Alison Hannigan. They are the five protagonists of this televised TV series From 2005 to 2014, Getting the best results.

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You have to choose what your favorite character is Ted, Marshall, Robin, Barney e Lily. There is one behind every choice Profile Customized. Each profile resembles a different personality. This way you can discover some of your features Character That, perhaps, you do not know yet. Are you ready? Select your option and run to read what your profile is.

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