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Horizon Zero Dawn and nine best free indie games on PlayStation in the coming weeks •

Horizon Zero Dawn and nine best free indie games on PlayStation in the coming weeks •

Sony has felt generous again and is launching several free games as part of the latest free game show including Horizon Zero Dawn, Sapnatica and The Witness.

Horizon Zero Dawn is, of course, Guerrilla Games’ Piggy and open-world developer adventure game, in which Costaway and Hunter Alloy embark on a journey through the futuristic future version of Earth. You can add it to your library for free from April 19th.

In particular, players can get their hands on it Horizon Zero Don KompletaskeA major winter extension includes The Frozen Wilds, and interested parties should request their free copy by May 14th.

Horizon Zero Dawn Award Trailer.

It is far away. Starting March 25, PlayStation owners will be able to add nine additional games to their collection for free, making it a great choice across the board.

Over there அப்சீ, Awesome Underwater Adventure from The Bottle Studio Giant Squid and Dodge Rolls Bullet Developer Hell Dungeon Crawler Enter the cuneiform.

Infinite Res The impressive version of the famous designer Tetsuya Mizukuchi provides the psychedelic rhythm of the movement (with optional VR support) Supnatica It offers additional options for diving deep into the water, this time with some notable – and surprisingly scary – survival jobs.

The popular March 25 gift collection is Jonathan Blue’s popular island exploration puzzle game WitnessThe wonder of the terrible rhythm of the plot GloverSim the other world-class designer Eric Sahi’s adorable ecosystem Paper monsters.

The last two games have PlayStation VR support, and the rest of the free gifts from Sony are designed for virtual reality: the popular console game Rescue mission for astronomical robotsFantastic mouse-themed action and adventure Muse.

All of the above features (except Horizon Zero Dawn) are free to download until April 22nd.