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Home Education: Functional Indications for Design and Process, Application of Technology and Digital Teaching.  Download the project map

Home Education: Functional Indications for Design and Process, Application of Technology and Digital Teaching. Download the project map


The current law established by CM n.353 / 1998 and CM 2939 of 04/28/2015 of the Ministry of Education provides clear indications regarding home education as a service that can be organized by every educational institution. Provide and deliver to students attending their school (regardless of any rank and grade other than kindergartens).

The school is open to all: Article 34 of the Constitution explicitly states

As an alternative to classroom attendance – the Ministry of Education writes on its website – it is actually referred to by parental education as represented by Anglo-Saxon terms such as family school, paternal school or homeschooling or home education. All of these expressions refer to the family’s choice to contribute directly to their children’s education. If parents decide to use parental education, they must publish a specific notice to the head teacher of the nearest school, which will be updated annually, regarding their technical or economic ability to provide education. The onus is on the head teacher to ensure its validity.

To guarantee the fulfillment of the duty of education, the Minor must check the eligibility for the following school year. It has recently been established that in the case of parental education, the student’s parent or enforcer of parental responsibility must submit an annual advance notice to the head teacher of the area of ​​residence. These students take the annual qualifying examination to pass the next class as external applicants in a state or fellow school until they have completed compulsory education. The school that receives the parents ‘education application must oversee the implementation of the students’ compulsory education. The responsibility for verification rests not only with the head of the school but also with the mayor.

Regulatory requirements

Constitution, Section 30

“It is the duty and right of parents to support, educate and educate their children. In cases of parental disability, the law ensures that their duties are fulfilled.

Constitution, Art. 34

“Minimum education provided for at least 8 years is compulsory and free”.
Act 5 February 1992, n. 104, Art. 12 paragraph 9 Guarantee of education and schooling for children with disabilities subject to compulsory schooling temporarily preventing them from going to school for health reasons.

297 of 16 April 1994, Article 111 paragraph 2

The parents of the debtor or their placeholders who intend to provide the education of the debtor personally or directly should prove annually to the competent authority proving that they have technical or financial capacity.

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Ministerial Order No. 489 of 13 December 2001, Art. 2 paragraph 1

“The supervision of the performance of the educational duty is carried out in accordance with these regulatory rules:

  • The mayor or his representative of the municipality where the youth subject to the aforesaid educational duty resides;
  • School directors of all state-level schools have applied for admission or equivalent to enroll students who need to be educated.

Legislative Order 25 April 2005, n. 76, Art 1, paragraph 4

In order to guarantee the fulfillment of the educational duty – the families who intend to provide the education of the children who are on duty themselves, must show annually that they have the technical or economic capacity to do so. Authority, which provides appropriate controls. ”Therefore, the school does not use the power of accreditation in the strict sense, but a simple verification of the existence of technical and economic requirements.

Act 27 December 2006, n. 296, Article 1, paragraph 622

“A minimum of ten years of education is compulsory, and it is aimed at obtaining a high school qualification or professional qualification lasting at least three years by the age of eighteen.”

Legislative Order 13 April 2017 n. 62 Art.23

“In the case of parental education, the student’s parents, the student or the student, or the executor of the parental responsibility must submit an annual advance notice to the head teacher of the area of ​​residence. These students, or students, take the qualifying examination each year to go on to the next class as external applicants in a state or equivalent school until they have completed compulsory education.

When it works

If the hospital’s medical certificate clearly states in the hospital medical certificate the inability to resume regular school activities for at least 30 days, for a continuous and undeclared period, home education may be implemented more or less after a longer period of time. School year.

Principles of Home Education

The Home Education Service sees its proposal in a constitutional policy that integrates the right to education, which must necessarily be guaranteed by all students; However, this is a “duty exception” to the rule, which is a structured system for training and educating people so that learning in the classroom does not miss the essential value added training process.

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Any pathology allows the implementation of home education

The pathology that allows the implementation of home education after hospitalization is listed below:

  • Onco-hematological pathology
  • Chronic illnesses include occasional expulsions from school
  • Temporarily disables acute illness or trauma
  • Chronic pathology or treatment modalities, in addition to the length of time admitted to the hospital, can prevent a normal relationship life.

Cycle therapies

If the treatments are not cyclical and continuous, the periods of hospital care and home care are alternate, the above education should be guaranteed in any form, always for a period not less than 30 days.

The aforementioned symptoms or treatment modalities should be extensively certified by the hospital where the student is admitted and the period of disruption to school attendance. It is possible to seek home education for students with disabilities, in case of minor illness of the disabled, the pathology included in the list above, which is the reason for admission to the hospital.

School Institutional Plan

In these specific situations, the student-affiliated educational institution prepares a home-based curriculum according to the following practical procedure:

  • Family request with hospital medical certificate
  • The implementation of the training program for students by the school refers to the teachers involved and the expected lesson time approval for the teaching committee and the school council program
  • Sending the plan with the required documents to the USR
  • Project appraisal and approval by USR, resulting in allocation of resources.

Requests for the implementation of home education interventions should be submitted using the appropriate form attached by the educational institutions. It should be noted that for the extra teaching hours the school wishes to undertake (approximately € 46.44 for each additional teaching time, the state total), exclusive funding will be required, excluding coordination activities and any tuition. The affiliated project was carried out by the “Benedetto Costelli” Institute of Higher Education in Frasia, which is an excellent school in this sense, and the “hospital school” was best run by the school’s director, Professor Simonetta Depaltini.

Plan and maximum hours

The program usually provides the maximum number of hours for the minor’s home intervention by the teacher of the school he or she belongs to:

  • Primary School: Maximum 4/5 hours per week attendance
  • 1st and 2nd grade middle school: Maximum 6/7 hours per week attendance.
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In addition to presence activity, time should be limited, and it is important to implement artificial interventions through educational institutions to avoid the isolation of the interpersonal (teacher-student) student. The use of new and different technologies has the advantage of allowing students (especially seniors) to directly follow and participate in class activities and interact with teachers and classmates at no extra cost. All activities carried out in home education are valid for the school year (22-06-2009 DPR n.122) until they are duly documented and certified.

Funding for home education

The Home Education Service uses specific ministerial funds:

  • Really available ministerial contribution
  • Number of requests received during the school year.

Given the increasing number of demands in recent years, it is considered necessary at the beginning of each educational institution, as it is not possible to calculate their size, which is linked to the uniqueness of students’ pathology. In the new year, perhaps during the first Board of Education, decide on the implementation of any IT projects, set aside a portion of the institutional funding resources and insert the project section for home education in the PTOF to meet any demands that year. , Also provides for the use of new technologies.

Other forms of funding

Educational institutions can also use other types of funding (local organizations, funds to extend education concessions, donations, etc.).

The project liaison person will make the necessary contacts with the professors in service at the hospital to synchronize and implement the training class that is most appropriate for the needs of the hospital, if the projects are implemented in the hospitals following the admission to the hospitals where the hospital school unit is located. Obtaining all components of the evaluation of the student, and the activities already carried out in the hospital.

Finally, it is important to remember that it is essential to have a record of the tuition times at home for students who have been counter-signed by the teacher and parents or guardian.
