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High School Certificates of Merit: Download a Brief Table

High School Certificates of Merit: Download a Brief Table


The current national education and training system provides for the obligation to certify a student’s competence in academic performance (lasting 10 years), and therefore at the end of the first two years.

The two-year “Certificate of Basic Skills” document is the result of the final examination and the definition of the Class Council, the result of the student’s achievement of the specific basic skills specified for the 4 axes. The January 27, 2010 model of the Ministerial Order n.9, among others, clearly underscores the Liceo Scientifico Plinio Seniore in Rome, with a particular focus on the intellectual-formal and teaching sphere and management skills. Editor-in-Chief Professor Maria Raspolo, in her own “Institutional Appraisal Protocol”.

Levels related to acquiring skills

Levels related to gaining capabilities of each axis:

Basic condition

The student performs simple tasks in known situations, they have essential knowledge and skills and can apply basic rules and procedures. If the baseline is not reached, the expression “baseline is not reached” indicates the associated cause.

At the intermediate level

The student performs tasks and solves complex problems in known situations, makes conscious choices, and shows that he can use the knowledge and skills he has acquired.

Advanced status

A student who is proficient in applying knowledge and skills performs complex tasks and problems even in unfamiliar situations.

Example: He knows how to propose and support his own ideas and make informed decisions on his own.

Certificate of Skills

The certificate – as stated in the protocol of Liceo Scientifico Plinio Seniore di Roma – provides that the student has acquired the basic skills related to cultural axes by specifying the key civic skills mentioned in Appendix 2 of the regulations issued. MIUR with 139 on 22 August 2007:

  • Learn to learn,
  • To design,
  • Contact,
  • Cooperation and participation,
  • To act autonomously and responsibly,
  • Solve problems
  • Identify links and relationships
  • Get information and explain.

Skills developed by the student based on the ability to apply personal knowledge and skills

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The certification of basic skills corresponds to the final assessment of learning. In relation to the student’s ability to apply personal knowledge and skills, it relates to self, social, relation to others, and methodology related to relation to reality; The key competencies of citizenship are tested in three areas: in study and “work” situations and in personal training.

This assessment is obtained by preparing a syllabus, which is an instruction aimed at identifying the objective skills of the training course and achieving them.

To determine the level of capabilities achieved, the following phase is taken into account:

  • Monitoring / Appreciation Tools to Certify Skills
  • The observation / appreciation tools that certify abilities are as follows:
  • Realistic tasks (through projects).
  • Expert tests (through programs).
  • Actual evidence (through projects).
  • Proper observations.
  • Evaluation texts.
  • Portfolio (school-job alternative).

For those who have reached the age of eighteen and have passed the state examination, it is officially offered.

For students with disabilities certified under Law 104/92 – as specified in the protocol of Lycio Scientifico Plino Sr. in Rome – the document states the level of competencies achieved with respect to IEP.

Public Institutional Tests

The institute conducts some types of public institutional tests developed by teachers to monitor the acquisition of essential skills related to the individual fields of various courses and to compare assessment procedures. Collective examinations are decided in each field.

These tests, along with the evaluation phases, take into account the following factors:

  • The construction of tests for skills, the same field considers it essential to learn the lesson of the test;
  • Development in the context of assessment, the ability to apply what is learned in contexts other than the known (skill).

General tests of the company

The general examinations of the Institute – as indicated in the protocol of Lycio Scientifico Plino Senior in Rome – are discussed by the departments each year, during the first months of school. In this context, management methods and times are also addressed.

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Furthermore, in the department, to monitor and discuss the results achieved and the quality of learning, certain skills learning must be considered as a collectively managed process. The same department identifies important points and development paths to be implemented in the next academic year.

Certificate of School Job Alternative Skills

Certification of Alternative Skills from School to Job The final result of a process that is divided into the following stages:

  • A description of the skills expected at the end of the course, specific and cross-sectional;
  • Tools programming and monitoring activities;
  • Verification of results achieved at intermediate stages;
  • Evaluation of outgoing capabilities.

Certification process and related subjects

The certification process and related subjects – as outlined in the protocol of the Liceo Scientifico Plinio Seniore in Rome – are recalled by the school-established agreement with the institution that runs the students involved in the course.

Objective skills, verification procedures and assessment criteria are shared with the school teacher and explained in the syllabus of the course. Results are evaluated by structured methods and a series of tools (e.g. expert tests, tracking sheets, log books). The final results of the assessment are summarized in the Certificate of Skills, through which the external training teacher, in accordance with Art. 5 April 5, 2005 Legal Order, n. 77, «… Provides the school or training institution with every element capable of verifying and evaluating the performance of students’ activities and training processes.

For the ASL course to be valid, the program requires at least three-quarters of the expected attendance. If this happens during the teaching process, the student must calculate the alternative to achieve the valid minimum attendance limit of the school year. If it happens when teaching activities are suspended, the presence of the student enrolled in the host system will contribute to the validity of the alternative course.

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The results of the syllabus – as indicated in the Pliny the Elder Scientific High School of Rome protocol – are reported in the Certificate of Alternative School-Work Skills, using the model developed in the contract between the school and the host organization. By an external author. The attached model represents the minimum elements of the certificate indicated by Art. 6 of Legal Order 13/2013, namely:

  • Personal data of the student receiving the school job alternative course;
    Educational institution data;
  • References to the type and content of the contract that allowed the alternative route;
  • Data related to the work environment, learning methods and skills assessment that took place along the way;
  • Language used in the workplace;
  • Pathway characteristics and target capabilities.

Certificate of Merit must be obtained for final tickets

Certificate of Ability – as underlined in the protocol of Lycio Scientifico Plino Senior in Rome – for the final votes of the second two years and the final year of the school years included in any case, according to the date of the ballot. To enroll in state exams.

The school teacher provides for each class for a period of three years:

  • Record the hours each student completed;
  • Collect the results of the assessments carried out for each student, external teacher and course related documents and any other elements useful for the ASL assessment.
  • Monitors the progress of courses and student participation;
  • Reports on the level of development of cross-skills related to ASL and the results obtained by supporting the Class Council in the overall assessment of student development and the implications of assessments in the individual disciplines and behaviors.

Preparation and collection of documents and hourly registration, through electronic registration application, is required to prepare the student’s portfolio.
