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Here is the sound of the wind in NASA's first audio recording on Tuesday

Here is the sound of the wind in NASA’s first audio recording on Tuesday

Here is the sound of the wind in NASA's first audio recording on Tuesday

NASA has spread First audio Never recorded on the surface Tuesday From NASA, thanks to the rover’s microphone Diligence.

Dave Cruel, that man NASA He oversees the photo and audio equipment of the new robot he said in a video: “If you want, I invite you to close your eyes and imagine yourself on the surface of Mars and hear what is going on around you.”

On Tuesday, NASA wondered about the strange rocks in the vast photographs of the first diligence

NASA has released two audios. First, you may hear the rover hum that is just as active as the electric razor. But second, the noise of diligence is surprisingly removed: as you can hear in this video, it only has the ohm of the Martian wind. Dizziness, rarely audible, but this is still the first record of its kind.

Mars is known to scientists for the turbulence that can occur on its dusty surface. True “sand demons”, mini hurricanes have been photographed by chance and spirit rovers in the past, sometimes even found in the Sahara Desert. Ventilated climate is one of the variables that must be taken into account, When it was decided to send a colony to Mars. This planet is, in fact, subject to rotating sandstorms, making life truly impossible.

Due to the composition of the atmosphere, which is very rare on Mars, sounds are heard In a different way As for the earth. If we were on Mars and tried to speak, we would hear a more confused sound in our voice than we would hear on our planet. NASA reports that no sound like a whistle, birds or bells can be heard.

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It is, indeed Different composition of the atmosphere. The effects of sound are different. The speed of sound changes from the Earth to only 340 to 240 meters per second: the difference is difficult to observe closely, but the difference is clearly visible from a distance.

Although Volume It is much less in the atmosphere a hundred times denser than on Earth. Even if we can survive without a break, we need to be very close to what we are talking about and ask the speaker to raise his or her voice too high.

The Chemical composition Atmosphere also has an additional effect. The carbon dioxide in the Martian air transmits sounds in a different way. In practice, only low frequencies will travel long distances. Singing a baritone, unlike a soprano, would be the best opportunity to gather applause at an imaginary Tuesday show.

NASA had previously attempted to record sounds on Mars, but was unsuccessful. One of Rover’s microphones is dedicated Tests. For example. Diligence will try to hit rocks with a laser: the noise associated with it will help scientists analyze their structure.

NASA has made the original audio available in downloadable format on its website WHO.

Last Updated: 22:33

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