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Health Boss: What is your data after a control?

Health Boss: What is your data after a control?

You will meet them daily with their mobile and TousAntiCovid Verif application. Restaurants, Restaurants, SNCF regulators … Everyone sees your health pass data displayed, but are they kept?

While the French question the data known to health pass checkers, many are also concerned about having their data in order to obtain personal information about the customers they visit. In fact, the TousAntiCovid Verif specifies the name, first name and date of birth, as well as the valid health pass. The information is limited to the essentials, explains the IN Group, which owns the application and owns the state.

Available to professionals on iOS and Android, TousAntiCovid Verif does not actually store any data. The QR code reads “Supplementary document reads only once, thus confirming an order” June 7, 2021, Related to the application. When tested, this application reveals only what you absolutely need to try it out.

A fine of 45,000 euros for reuse

Beware of checkers trying to take a screenshot to track the QR code and its data: “Screen capture is not allowed when using the TousAntiCovid Verif application. If you do not comply with this warning, you are exposing yourself to the restrictions imposed by Law n ° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amendments relating to Information Technology, Files and Freedom, Article 40 et seq. The application that CNEWS tested for you in this particular case.

Clearly, possession or resale of this data will result in a fine of ,000 45,000.

Devices other than the TousAntiCovid Verif are also offered in the app stores. Because these are not official, other data included in your health pass cannot read the QR code system readable vaccine type or test (PCR or antigenic) and the date of its passage. For example, data that border control officers can view with another application is specifically intended to see if the vaccine is approved by the host country.

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