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HDR-Probleme: Windows 11 zeigt auf einigen Displays falsche Farben an

HDR Issues: Windows 11 displays incorrect colors in some scenes

Microsoft has written another known issue in the specification sheet for Windows 11: colors may not always appear correctly in some scenes when HDR is active. These issues are triggered by various image processing programs or their libraries and background-time running environment.

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Win32 APIs cause HDR issues

Like the website Desk mode The first thing noticed was a new one Contribution Added a known issue with the Windows 11 document, which describes the color rendering issues that can occur if HDR is enabled on some displays when using the Win32 APIs to render colors. Until then, users who notice HDR problems with some graphics applications will need to turn to Windows’ own color management.

  • After installing Windows 11, some image editing programs may not display the colors correctly on certain HDR displays.
  • It is often observed in white, which is displayed in bright yellow or other colors.
  • This problem occurs when certain color-rendering Win32 APIs provide unexpected information or errors under certain conditions.
  • Not all color profile management programs are affected, and the color profile options available on the Windows 11 settings page, including the Microsoft Color Control Panel, are expected to work properly.
  • We are working on a resolution and estimate that the solution will be available by the end of January.


Not all color profile management programs are affected“, Microsoft adds saying”The color profile options on the Windows 11 settings page, including Microsoft color controls, are expected to work properly“.

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The solution will be provided by the end of January

All versions of Windows 11 21H2 are vulnerable, namely Full Built 22 **** and its internal previews. Microsoft expects the issue to be resolved either with the release of the preferred C update expected in late January. The problem is currently under investigation.

Windows 11 is currently undergoing intensive product maintenance, with the most recent KB5007262 overall upgrade raising Windows 11 to 22000.346 and fixing a number of issues while KB5008215 taking care of additional security updates.

Provides an overview of the developmental stage Microsoft Flight Hub.