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Hasan Kahraman Ideals Indirettamente Hideo Kojima sui social

Hasan Kahraman Ideals Indirettamente Hideo Kojima sui social

Blue Box Studies and Mystery Project Manager Abandoned, Hassan Kahraman, Though implicitly, updates his social profiles with a reference photo, Hideo Kojima. Could this be a further clue to Metal Gear’s dad’s contribution to the next horror event in development on the PS5?

To note this indirect quote from Master Kojima, Reddit’s always attentive community, from the implementation of a recent message discussed by the forum audience Social profile in Kahraman.

The founder of Blue Box Game Studios has actually decided to destroy the main image of his Twitter profile on a small island. The Ideograms Used to construct a sentence in Japanese “Small Island” They are what make up the word No, And therefore the greatest curiosity aroused by the patrons of the famous subdivision Gaming leaks and rumors Looking at this new picture, it depicts an island dominated by a mountain (“Mountain” In English).

We remind you that the Blue Box team has already planned, as the abandoned doctrines between Silent Hill and Hideo Cozyma continue. July 29 Front load ofApplication with abandoned real-time experience Your PlayStation 5

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