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HAL Labs talks about the future of growth and ownership of Kirby Star partners

The next topics will mark a big step

It is three years since it was started Kirby Star Allies, The latest look of the adorable Pink Watt on the Nintendo Switch, but no news about the new Kirby title.

A Art book However, it was recently published in Japan and includes an exclusive interview Shinya Kumasaki, Director of Sports for Star Allies. In the interview, Kumasaki talks about the difficulties in developing the title, but also makes vague hints about the future of Kirby and the software home.

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I know we say this to every game, but I and my team were Many difficulties Create star friendly nations. Often these programs fail to make progress, but the Star Allies manage to cope with toothbrushing problems, and this has become a lot of games. Some dream friends are tricky to implement, sometimes we didn’t even know we could add them all, but we wanted to please the fans of this series, so we added every dream friends Kirby owned.

Always one Feeling uncertain At the beginning of a project, it was natural that there were some hesitations in adding some dream friends, but thanks to everyone’s work we succeeded in our mission.

As we worked on free game updates, we encouraged all team members to express their opinion on what fans want to see. It is very difficult to choose all the tips, but I think Star friendly nations Both are real things A summary of all the efforts of the Kirby team.

In its release, we finally put an end to the 11-year console side scrolling drought. We’ve also added the co-op mode that fans have been waiting for. Now, finally, We can move on to the next step! I try to think of something new every day comparing myself with my colleagues to understand where the future of the series is coming from. Along with them We plan the next phase of our future. Our team is the pinnacle of the best aspects of Kirby ownership, we hope you will be in a state of renewal to see what we have in store for you.

Shinya Kumasaki

Other developers have also talked about the future of Kirby. Katsuyoshi Sumitomo (Leading Action Programmer) said he hopes to be able to call his next product.The largest layer of the Kirby series“. In addition, the Director of Design Ricky Buhrman Would be interested in creating one Spin-off Without action component.

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What do you think of these statements? What do you expect from the new Kirby?