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foto di Green pass

Green Boss, vademecum comes “from the consumer side”

National Integration on the “National Consumer Page” Despite a lot of talk about the Green Pass in recent weeks, there is still confusion among citizens regarding this new tool.

In fact, requests for clarification are constantly received through integration, for example, the functions of the pass requested access, the methods for obtaining it and who is requesting it. “From the questions that are asked daily to our association – says Dr. Irene Jabbarta – it was felt necessary to provide citizens with an active information tool.

1) What is Green Pass?

It is a certificate in digital and printed form issued by the Ministry of Health, which contains a QR code to verify its authenticity. It certifies the vaccine against Covit 19 (in this case it is valid for nine months), recovery from the virus in the previous six months (valid for the next six months) or a molecular test or rapid antigenic negative result (valid for the following 48 hours in this case).

2) Is it mandatory to have a Green Pass to access any functions?
At the table, catering services provided by any company for indoor consumption; Open shows for the general public, sporting events and competitions; Museums, other institutions and cultural sites and exhibitions; Restricted to indoor activities, including swimming pools, swimming centers, gyms, group games, wellness centers, shelters; Festivals and exhibitions, conferences and conferences; Spas, theme and amusement parks; Except educational centers for children and related catering activities, including cultural centers, community and entertainment centers, limited to indoor activities and summer centers; Sports rooms, racing rooms, bingo halls and casinos; General competitions.

3) How do I download Green Pass?
Upon receipt of the email confirming the availability of the SMS or Green Pass, download the certificate from the official sender (email sent by the Ministry of Health, instead of the message “Minimum Health” instead) of digital or physical channels, with the relevant download code;

4) Green Pass can be downloaded through which digital channels?
If the citizen decides to download Green Pass through digital channels, he can do so by selecting the following process: a) Immune application or Io application; b) Website www.; c) electronic health registration;

5) What can you do if you can or cannot download Green Pass through electronic channels?
If there is any problem in downloading the Green Pass through telematic channels, the citizen can contact the General Practitioner, Free Pediatrician or Trusted Pharmacist, who can retrieve the certificate with the Health Card;

6) Is it necessary to focus on any particular aspect?
Green Pass is free to download. Therefore, if using online channels, the citizen should be very careful when asked to pay at least one amount or insert data related to current account, credit card, bank or postal relations, because you fall victim to computer fraud.

For more information send to; Or contact 347 0628721.