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Green Boss: Everything you need to know

Green Boss: Everything you need to know

Since August 6, Green Pass has become mandatory, and many have already downloaded it. However, not everyone has a clear idea of ​​how it is used and where it should be displayed. Everything you need to know about green certification, from how it is downloaded to the restrictions associated with it, is the point here.

Who can download Green Pass?

Who recovered from Govt in the previous six months

– Holder of at least one dose of vaccine (in this case 15 days after the first dose and one day valid for the second dose).

– Completion of the vaccine

Creator of a quick or molecular negative wipe valid for 48 hours.

Anyone who comes across one of these profiles will automatically get one Ministry of Health A text message with instructions and instructions for downloading the certificate should then be downloaded in the following ways:

-In the portal To useauthcode (Personal code received by email or SMS ed) and with health card.

If you have not received or lostauthcode Simply go to and enter the tax code, the last 8 digits of the health card and the date of collection of the last vaccine or swap or cure certificates, and the date of the first positive molecular wipe.

As soon as you get itauthcodAnd the certificate can be downloaded from the same site with the health card.

-With access to the Immuni application

With notification and access to the IO application

The Green Pass is valid

It is valid until December 31, which is the expiration date of the emergency. A positive for Covit-19 of a person who has been vaccinated or cured of the virus can also be canceled in the event that the health service contacts the national site.

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Who doesn’t need a green pass?

Holders of medical certificates for health reasons. In this case there will be a dedicated digital certificate. Until then, self-certification on paper is valid.

Where is it mandatory to show it?

– Restaurants and bars indoors and at the table (maximum of six people per table and buffet use is provided by staff only). Activities such as festivals and festivities are also included. (In some cases, such as indoor restaurants, there is no obligation on the operator’s control to only guarantee compliance with anti-Govt rules). In Yellow Zone You can go inside restaurants and bars until 6pm. In the Orange and Red Zone, restaurants are open until 10pm and for home delivery, and bars and wine bars are only open until 10pm. 22.

Theme and amusement parks

-Arena and sporting events

Museums in exhibitions and cultural venues

-Swimming pools and gyms, spas (although within hotels and accommodation facilities such as P&P)

-Cinemas, Theaters, Concert Theaters and Events

– In casinos, betting rooms and casinos

– Access to tests for public competitions

In civil and religious ceremonies

Enter or exit red or orange areas

For children under 12 years of age.

At this time it is not necessary to access the workspace, but it is required if there are canteens within the structure

In addition to the Green Pass, a dIdentity document Check that the certificate data is correct.

Where it is not mandatory

Supermarkets and Shopping Centers

-In outdoor restaurants

At outdoor tables or bars with drinks on the counter

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Access to indoor dining rooms, even at summer camps for children and youth

– Utilize the services that come with medical assistance, essential aids and therapeutic rehabilitation activities at health centers.


They can identify invalid or still active expired green passes through the C19 processor verified by the Ministry of Health. To design and access the customer’s QR code, you must display a green verification with the person’s name and surname and date of birth. The data will be compared with the document to be displayed. The system of this application works without internet connection and without storing personal information. The government noted that law enforcement and public officials can verify the Green Pass and employees of airlines, shipping companies or public transport companies. As for parties in public places, the request may be made by the managers, while the restaurants have no regulatory duty.


There are fines (even excesses) for those who access places that require a green pass request, but also for premises managers responsible for restrictions. According to the order, the fine will be between 400 and 1000 euros. Violators three times and on three different days are at risk of being shut down for 1 to 10 days. The same penalty for issuing paper and digital fake green passes.

What will happen to the trip?

In Italy

Enter and exit the red or orange areas as already mentioned, the green pass will be required. On the other hand, it does not require any kind of transportation, except for restrictions in certain regions. Before traveling, it is a good idea to inquire about the specific rules of the region you are going to.

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Europe needs a green pass and identity document at this time. However, to travel abroad, it is better to inquire with the airline for the required documents.

From September 1st

This is necessary to access air trains and ships. All medium and long distance transport except local trains is mandatory. This will also be necessary on buses used for passenger transport services, with an indistinguishable concession, carried on the road continuously or from time to time, on the route connecting more than two areas. This rule also applies to bus fares with drivers. On the other hand, city buses, subways and trams are not required. The same goes for boats or ships traveling between regions where the Green Pass is mandatory, while local transport is considered by hydrofoil to connect with smaller islands, where green certification is not mandatory.

Who has minor children?

Until the age of 12, a green certificate is not mandatory. Children under the age of 6 do not need to wipe, and from the age of 6 a negative wipe or healing certificate is required. For children between the ages of 12 and 17, the vaccine is required to get the green pass (in this case the procedures for obtaining the certificate are the same as for adults Ed) or in the case of a negative swap is valid for 48 hours. Before going abroad, it is a good idea to call 1500 to find out how to travel with minors in the country you are going to.