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Govt-19, when self-certification sample is required.  Download the pdf

Govt-19, when self-certification sample is required. Download the pdf


There are 14 regions in the Orange region. With an order, Health Minister Roberto Speranza confirms Calabria, Emilia Romagna and Veneto in the orange area.

The band also includes: Abruzzo, Friuli Venice Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Marche, Piedmont, Buglia, Umbria and Vale de Asta. With the latest orders signed today, Sardinia and Lombardy also joined the Orange Band, which were previously on the yellow and red bands, respectively.

Thus, overall, the breakdown of regions and autonomous regions into yellow, orange and red regions begins on January 24:

Yellow area: Campania, Basilicata, Molise, Autonomous Region of Trento, Tuscany;
Orange area: Abruzzo, Calabria, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venice Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardy, Marche, Veneto, Piedmont, Buglia, Sardinia, Umbria, Vale de Asta;
Area Rosa: Autonomous province of Bolzano, Sicily.

New DBCM, when self-certification sample is required

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New DPCM, do’s and don’ts of yellow, orange and red areas. INFOGRAPHIC

In Red zone Self-certification is always required. All movements are prohibited within one’s own municipality, except when necessary, for work and health needs. All reasons to be proved by self-certification. Except for the essentials, the shops are closed.

This is an opportunity to visit the home of relatives or friends once a day, excluding a maximum of two people, including the disabled and children under 14 years of age. Unless there are proven reasons for need, work or urgency, stop traveling within the region and between different regions and the curfew order is confirmed from 10pm to 5am.

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In the orange areas lSelf-certification is required if you want to move to another area Or at the end of the night. However, in these regions, vol Travel to a municipality other than the city where you live must be completed, No need to fill it out to go into your municipality from 5 to 22.

In the yellow zone Travel to a region or autonomous province other than one’s own is prohibited, Except for work, health or necessary reasons. The curfew is in effect from 10 pm to 5 am.
