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Govt-19: Evidence for infection over 3 months will be easy to provide quickly

Govt-19: Evidence for infection over 3 months will be easy to provide quickly

It should cater to a significant proportion of the people who tested positive before launching the first edition of Health Pass in France in June. A Correction The Crisis Bill, adopted by delegates on Friday, July 23, aims to “authorize access to data that appears in the S-DEP file, within three months, beyond six months”. The change in these rules will allow individuals who tested positive for SARS-Cowie-2 three months ago to retrieve proof of the decision.

An essential document for vaccinating in a single dose. For those already infected with the virus, the High Authority for Health (HAS) actually recommends a vaccination schedule against Govt-19 with an injection, whether or not it develops a symptomatic form of the disease. But this evidence can be useful as a certificate of recovery and to avoid doing negative tests to go to the movies, museum or swimming pool, those who have already tested positive benefit from the natural immunity against the disease. SARS -Covi-2. The Certificate of Recovery from Covit-19 is one of three possible sources for which a health pass is considered valid.

Until now, the Si-Dep operating system has not had test results beyond three months, which is the legal period for keeping personal data from a computer. Besides, when the Health Pass was first launched in June for major events bringing together more than 1,000 people, thousands of people who already had Govt-19 were left behind. This is because any PCR or antigen test performed before April 20 does not contain the QR code required for HealthPass to function properly. From March 28 to April 20 a seizure was quickly carried out by health officials through an SMS campaign to allow those who tested positive to download the test result in the correct format. From July 6, positive or negative test certificates are now available on the sidep.gouv platform, which is less than 3 months old.

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Therefore, not everyone who tested positive before March 28 benefited from this technical update. However, if they do not have evidence of a positive test, they are forced to get the so-called complete schedule of vaccination, i.e. two doses with Pfizer, Moderna or Astrogeneka. If they refuse to be vaccinated, they are forced to undergo negative tests that act as a health pass because the barcode does not have a positive test result.

Increase immune protection

Thanks to this amendment to the bill on managing the health crisis, which was passed in Boyce Bourbon this Friday, the issue should be resolved. Anyone who has had a positive test before March 28 and has not yet been vaccinated against Covit-19 can immediately download the document on sidep.gouv and submit it to a healthcare professional, who will then inject a dose. (The test result is not placed in its older version if that person is present).

At the outset of the amendment, Akir’s representatives hoped that “this arrangement will contribute to the acceleration of our national immunization protection.” This is especially true by freeing up appointment time spots that can be set aside by volunteers for vaccinations that require a vaccination course on two injections. To date, 56.9% of the French population is at least partially vaccinated against Covit-19, according to the French Ministry of Public Health. Of these, 46.7% completed the vaccination schedule. As a guest on TF1 News at 1pm on Wednesday, Prime Minister Jean Costex revised his goals: Officials aim to have 50 million vaccines by the end of August for the first time.

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For those who have not yet dropped out to be vaccinated, it is no longer necessary to perform PCR or antigen tests to present a negative result in less than 48 hours. They can download the document on the sidep.gouv operating system. Members of the Akir movement have also stated that the maximum retention period for PCR or antigenic test results should not exceed six months. This actually corresponds to the maximum period of validity of a positive test result that serves as a recovery certificate for health proficiency in France. Keep in mind that the validity period of a positive test result for SARS-Cowie-2 may be longer or shorter throughout the EU. If you would like to travel to one of the 27 EU member states with proof of recovery as proof of health proficiency, it is a good idea to inquire in advance via the site.