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Google describes the privacy and security information that apps should display in the Play Store

Google describes the privacy and security information that apps should display in the Play Store

Google has released an example of new information that applications need to display in its Google Play Store. This new section, dedicated to security and privacy, is similar to the one Apple used in its App Store. It tells you what a program does before it downloads and installs your personal information.

In the video below, one developer, among others, shows what kind of data their application collects and whether it encrypts the data.

It also specifies whether its program is designed for families and children and whether it is independently verified. The section also provides additional information on some features, for example how the collected data is used. However, Google warns that the scene shown in the video is not yet final and may be subject to change.

Find out more in the video:

For the developers, the countdown has begun. They will be able to start providing new security and privacy information from October and will have until April 2022 to complete this task. Information will be available to users from the first quarter of 2022.

Proof : Google

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