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Google Chrome 87.0.4280.141: Update closes 16 security leaks

Google Chrome 87.0.4280.141: Update closes 16 security leaks

Chrome Security Update © Google

With the update to version 87.0.4280.141, Google is closing various dangerous security holes. Now make sure your Chrome browser is up to date.

IIn November 2020, Google introduced its Chrome browser Version 87 is available for download. It provided new features like performance boost, tab search and address bar. In addition, a number of issues entered, which the search engine company is now gradually fixing. With the current version 87.0.4280.141, Google closes 16 security holes, including twelve, which the company classifies as high risk (“high”). You can see how serious the security issues should be in the rewards Google pays for opening up: loud Chrome publishes the blog The company replaces reporters with the five worst errors for $ 15,000 and $ 20,000 (approximately 12,200 to 16,300 euros), respectively. System Built explains how to verify your browser version.

How to trigger Chrome update

Normally, Chrome will automatically download background updates. To verify the installed software version, go to Chrome Settings. To do this, click on the three-point menu in the upper right, and then Help. Now select the point Google Chrome. Version number will appear and Chrome will load any pending updates. If one is done, close the process by clicking Start fresh From. Chrome update not showing (yet), do you want to install it immediately or do you want to install a new Chrome? Use one of the downloads above this section. In addition to the desktop versions for Windows, MacOS and Linux, the Android version has received an update to Chrome 87.0.4280.141. There are stability and performance improvements.

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