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Godzilla and M'Brake with knowledge gap: Please, when did they reunite?  - Berlin

Godzilla and M’Brake with knowledge gap: Please, when did they reunite? – Berlin

The author of these lines is sitting alone in a glass house, he is a man, he wanted to transfer the Dusseldorf boat show decades ago to Elbe under stress – a colleague saved the day, he took the editing pen as a police reporter.

However, on Tuesday evening, there was nothing wrong with anyone other than TV show god Thomas Godzczak and comedy icon Elias M’Brake. “Who’s stealing the show from me?” I saw the Pro-Seaben design of, because when entertainer Paulina Rojinski smiled when asked about the German reunion date: “But somehow a compliment if you think Thomas Kotskall can see me. ”

Godzilla says: “If these are easy questions, how difficult are they?” Want the right day?

Thomas Godzilla with the angel in the wheelchair – is it the Bear Bear?

Elias M. Barek shakes his head: “Embarrassed”, is the year enough? His answer: November 27, 1989. and Cotswolds: October 1, 1989.

Joko Winscheid, somewhat misguided: “The wall collapsed, reunited a year later.” Rozinski and the observer candidate knew October 3, 1990.

However, Godzilla knew many other historical facts than how celebrities should interpret Gaga tabloid headlines and name a real event in history.

Paulina Rojinski, on the other hand, was at the forefront of music mash-up guessing games: she invented everything because the lyrics of one song were referenced in the notes of another, and then both songs with translators.

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Thomas Kotzchack joked that it was a good thing they all knew there was a German reunion – and that Klaus Warrett made a reference to the “angel” who had given him for his garden in LA. Wheelbarrow drove away before moving to the house where Miley Cyrus bought. Cough, it’s definitely been on the menu bear 2003 hit column since.