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Nintendo is reviving its forecasts for the 2020/21 fiscal year

Gascon: Annual Report 2020 – Download this document

  1. Personal Liability for Annual Report

I.1. Name and status of the person who can respond to the annual report


Certificate of Annual Financial Statement

To the best of my knowledge I attest to the fact that the accounts are drawn up to applicable accounting standards and provide a true and fair view of the assets, financial position and results of the Company and all the companies included in the consolidation, and the affiliated management report on the growth, results and financial position of all the companies included in the consolidation and their counterparts It also provides an explanation of key risks and uncertainties.

Mimison, April 30, 2021


Chairman and CEO

I.2. Responsible for auditing accounts

Legal Auditors:

KPMG AUDIT IS SAS, Member, Versace Tour EQHO Regional Company of Auditors

2 Avenue Compta

92066 LA DEFENSE CEDEX Mr. Sebastian was represented by HAAS

The order issued on June 23, 2016 and expires in the AGM Judgment on Financial Statements for the year ended with 12/31/2021.

Place de la Pyramid, a member of the regional company of auditors at Deloitte Associates, Versace and Center6

92908 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX Mr. Represented by Matthew Peromat

The order issued on June 23, 2016 and expires in the AGM Judgment on Financial Statements for the year ended with 12/31/2021.

Alternative Auditors:

Salustro Retail Tour EQHO

2 Avenue Compta


The order issued on June 23, 2016 and expires in the AGM Judgment on Financial Statements for the year ended with 12/31/2021.

See also  Devices with older versions of Android are no longer supported

PAS, a member of the regional company of auditors in Versois 6, location de la Pyramid

92908 Paris Law Defense Codex

The order issued on June 23, 2016 and expires in the AGM Judgment on Financial Statements for the year ended with 12/31/2021.


To read the rest of this noodle, you can see the original version Here.