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Galaxy Watch 4: Samsung cancels iPhone support

Galaxy Watch 4: Samsung cancels iPhone support

Samsung Galaxy Watch4

Samsung’s Galaxy Watch 4 can no longer be used with the iPhone. Cell phones have also been dropped from other manufacturers. That is the reason.

The Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 can no longer be paired with the iPhone.

The Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 can no longer be paired with the iPhone. (Source: Samsung)

  • The Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 was recently launched.
  • This can no longer be used on the iPhone.
  • This is due to the new operating system.

Samsung Previously allowed to use Galaxy Watch with iPhone. Some functions are not available, but connection is still possible. Switches with Galaxy Watch4.

That is the reason

IPhone support removed here. Sammobile Thus, this is mainly due to the new software in the Galaxy Watch. Root was developed by Google and Samsung in collaboration with OS3, so it is designed for Android phones.

For this new software, cell phones require Google mobile services, which are not available on iPhones. This also applies to new ones Hawaii mobile phones. They are also not allowed to use Google mobile services as the company is on the US block list. According to Sammobile, pairing with the Galaxy Watch 4 is not possible here.

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