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Free Games of July 1, 2021 Here -

Free Games of July 1, 2021 Here –

Epic Sports Shop Announced Free games Next week, it will be available from July 1, 2021: Spectrum retreat Presented by Don Smith Studios. This is an indie adventure based on increasing difficulty puzzle solving.

Sign up for a Spectrum Retreat reception that you will not easily forget. Manipulate events to achieve truth in this addictive story-driven motivation.

Spectrum retreat is a challenging first-person puzzle set in the future. You wake up at the Benrose Hotel, a chaotic and chaotic retreat from the outside world. As a special guest at the hotel, your entire stay goes through its corridors and rooms.

As you explore extraordinary Art Deco contexts, you will begin to shed light on the secrets of Benrose and the mysteries on which you dwell. In trying to uncover the truth, you will encounter color-centric puzzles, complex physics-based challenges, and the fear of revealing your true intentions.

If you are interested, you can start following it in the meantime Epic sports store page. In the meantime, go ahead and download two free games this week.

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