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Free Chris Tales update includes new dungeons, characters & story content Nintendo Connect

Free Chris Tales update includes new dungeons, characters & story content Nintendo Connect

JRPG love letter Crystals Publisher Modus Games today gets a brand new free update that adds a lot of new content to the game. These include new dungeons, the Colosseum, where players can test their skills, and the new character Audrey. In her own story, she has to use robotics to defend herself against all sorts of enemies that stand in her way.

The update is now available for free. Crystals PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | Released this summer for S and Google Stadia. This trailer updates and introduces you to Atri’s new content:

Today’s update adds many new features to the game, including a brand new character, Adri, who uses his robotic techniques against anyone who comes his way. In the dungeon included in the update, he enjoys a new story and is able to prove his skills against special enemies.

Players can test their skills in the new and improved Colosseum where they compete against increasingly waves of strong enemies. Awesome rewards await those who face more of the challenge.

In addition to these innovations, the update adds additional content Crystals Added. Fans should definitely watch the new ending including the brand new cut scene. Additionally, loading times on the Nintendo Switch version of the game are significantly reduced. Newcomers will also get more discounts this month Crystals Be happy. All information about upcoming sales and complete patch notes is available On the Modus Games blog.

Crystals Colombian developer Studio Dreams is a declaration of love from the classic JRPGs, in which the past, present and future are merged on a single screen. Players can use Crispell’s amazing ability to jump between time levels to help the citizens of the Crystalis kingdoms and launch surprise attacks on enemies. If Chris Bell wants to save her magical world from evil, she must use her powers to design different time levels according to her wishes. Only then can she save the world from destruction with her partner.

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