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Four times the FPS in frame rate booster games

Four times the FPS in frame rate booster games

Microsoft drops bombshell today, Xbox Series X | Announced frame rate booster for S.

Xbox Series X | When creating the SI, it was always clear that Microsoft wanted to continue the commitment to compatibility that began in 2015 so that gamers could play their favorite titles on new consoles from previous generations.

Almost all topics benefit from the next generation of functions, i.e. faster loading time and the option to restart quickly via quick application. Then the team took it a step further and added improvements to many of the games we played that made them feel better and play better than before.

As Microsoft already detailed in October, all existing games are thanks to the new consoles’ increased CPU, GPU, and memory performance. As for games, new consoles can improve the experience without the developer doing anything or requiring the player to update.

To do this, the backward compatibility panel developed FPS Boost, which uses several new methods to double the original frame rate of selected topics – Even four times in some cases. Higher, fixed frame rates soften the game visually, resulting in higher speed gaming.

Xbox Series X | S Framerate-booster

  • For Cry4
  • New Super Lucky Tale
  • Sniper Elite 4
  • UFC4
  • Watch Dogs2

Microsoft has worked closely with developers to improve the gaming experience while preserving the original purpose of the game. While these new techniques may not apply to all games, they can quickly provide game engines to deliver a smoother experience beyond what the original game could have given the hardware capabilities of the time.

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Microsoft announces:

“We are pleased to announce the first selection of backward compatible titles that support FBS Boost, available from today: For Cry 4, New Super Lucky’s Tale, Sniper Elite 4, UFC 4 and Watchdogs 2. We have this first set of titles to choose from Not only are they popular with fans, but FPS Boost can enhance your gaming experience by highlighting different ways: for example, the new Super Lucky’s Tale can now run up to 120 frames per second (FPS) and UFC4 advanced frame rate Performance is especially high on the Xbox Series S, which can now run at 60 fps. “

“This is just the beginning. We will be announcing and releasing more titles soon with FBS Boost, as well as introducing new menu icons and system settings in the upcoming system update. You can turn on and off FPS Boost (and Auto HDR) by pressing the Xbox button on your controller to notify you when a game is running with FPS Boost. You decide how you want to play with PS Boost. “