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Fire Symbol Heroes: Celebrate the fourth anniversary of the game

Fire Symbol Heroes: Celebrate the fourth anniversary of the game

To celebrate the four years of Fire Emme Heroes, a series of 4th Annual Events takes place, where you can get all kinds of rewards!

Tour 4th Anniversary Law Tour +

To 5/2/2021 7:00 (UTC) au 16/2/2021 6:59 (UTC)
A special tournament + event titled “Lost Love” will allow you to get incredible rewards (scores)!
In addition to the usual rewards, 10 Summon Tickets for the 4th Annual Hero Festival, 44 Dragon Flowers, 44 Sacred Coins, 176 Heroic Grails, 44 Divine Deuce and more are available in each category!

ஆண்டு 4th Anniversary Quests +
To 5/2/2021 7:00 (UTC) au 16/2/2021 6:59 (UTC)
You can complete the quest by participating in the Law Tournament + event! If you complete them, you can use 5 Summon Tickets in the “Heroes of a King” special Heroes Focus.

To 2/2/2021 7:00 (UTC) au 1/3/2021 6:59 (UTC)

அழைக்க Invite Special Heroes (4th Year)

To 5/2/2021 7:00 (UTC) au 16/2/2021 6:59 (UTC)
You can definitely get a special 5 ★ Hero! All special heroes who appeared in the game from February 2020 to January 2021 are available at this event.

Participate When you participate, five special heroes are randomly selected from all available, you can summon one of them. (Each hero has the opportunity to be selected just like the others.)
The five heroes he can summon may not cover all colors.

4th Anniversary Heroes Festival

To 5/2/2021 7:00 (UTC) au 16/2/2021 6:59 (UTC)
Four heroes of unparalleled fame and power will be available at the “4th Anniversary Heroes Festival” Center.

4th year login bonus
For a limited time, we will be offering logo, attribute fruits and more as a login bonus.
Login bonus is available from 1 2/2/2021 7:00 (UTC) to 16/2/2021 6:59 (UTC).
You can get up to 20 balls!
Login bonus 2 Available from 2/2/2021 7:00 (UTC) to 2/16/2021 6:59 (UTC).
You can get 44 characteristic fruits!

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Note: This login bonus can be earned up to 10 times during the event.

4th Anniversary Quests
To 2/2/2021 7:00 (UTC) au 1/3/2021 6:59 (UTC)
Quests that need to be completed under certain conditions (such as defeating enemies using allies of a certain color or finishing some cards) are available. You can get 24 Orps, 44 Dragon Flowers in each category, 44 Holy Coins, 44 Heroic Grails, 444 Divine Scrolls: Part 1 and an Awakening Soul.

If you finish these searches.

Awakened Souls Special items that allow you to recruit the awakened awareness you have created in the Awakening Tower. Hire allies with weapons and skills that are generally unattainable!

ஆதரவு Heavenly Raid mode support searches
To 2/2/2021 7:00 (UTC) au 1/3/2021 6:59 (UTC)
During these quests, you have to defeat enemies to heroes of a certain color. Reward up to 500 ether gems and up to 500 special ether gems! Special ether gems can be used to get a 4th anniversary cake event item that can be placed at the ether center.

The 4th anniversary cake can be placed at the Ether Center when built in 4 Heavenly Raid mode.
When the campaign is over, all special ether gems will be lost.

■ Great party

To 2/2/2021 7:00 (UTC) au 16/2/2021 6:59 (UTC)
Seven of the Great Wars of 2020 Are Coming Back! Each is only available for 2 days.
Special quests will challenge you to win battles against these athletes with a team consisting of infantry, armor division, cavalry and flying division. Soldiers who have previously won these battles may complete quests and recruit these heroes. So don’t miss it!

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2/2/2021 7:00 (UTC) The Great War Against the Congregation, The Crazy King of Plagia
4/2/2021 7:00 (UTC) The Great War against the grieving Bishop Jeremiah
6/2/2021 7:00 (UTC) George, the big battle against the travel salesman
8/2/2021 7:00 (UTC) Great battle against Petrine, tough pyrolancer
10/2/2021 7:00 (UTC) The Great War against King Nemisis of Liberation
12/2/2021 7:00 (UTC) The Great War Against Gallbladder, Azure Night
2/14/2021 7:00 (UTC) The Tiger’s Eye, the Great War against the Golgotha

Focus and prize from the final winner of the A event “A Hero 2021 Emerges”

We intend to send the winner of the “A Hero Rises 2021” event and related competition (scheduled for late February) to all invitees by mid-March! In addition, the focus on bringing together the heroes who occupied the top 4 spots in the tournament should take place at the end of March. We hope you like it!

Note: Especially for this competition center, you can choose a hero to summon for free after summoning the heroes at least 40 times during this event.

Visit the site of the “A Hero 2021 Emerges” event Here Vote! Voting ends on 2/9/2021 6:59 (UTC).

4th Year Charts
Take a look at the artwork we received from some of the artists working on Fire Emblem Heroes Site Internet Officer De Fire Logo Heroes !
They are all amazing, so admire them!

Note: Special 4 ★ rate and changes for heroes appearing in 5th place will be used for the 4th Anniversary Hero Festival starting with “A King’s Love” focus and 5/2/2021 7:00 (UTC).

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To celebrate the fourth anniversary of the Fire Emblem Heroes, the event for players to vote for players who have been released since the game began will return under one name: A Hero Emerges in 2021!

Like last year, the event will be divided into two parts: online voting and gaming. The eight finalists for online voting will appear in a contest, which will determine the lucky winner.

Plus, the four heroes coming to the top of the competition leaderboard will be the focus! Since this is a special competition center, you can choose to summon a hero from that center after summoning the heroes at least 40 times.

Note: During this contest, you will not receive any voting bonus if the hero you join is your leader.

Part 1: Online Voting (Website)
To 2/2/2021 3:00 (UTC) au 9/2/2021 2:59 (UTC)
Part 2: Match (in the game)
To 27/2/2021 7:00 (UTC) au 5/3/2021 3:59 (UTC)

What are you waiting for? Visit the website below and vote for your favorite hero!

We hope you continue to have fun with Fire Emblem Heroes.