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Find out if you are worried

Facebook’s biggest data breach resurfaced Saturday. In one forum, a hacker is no less published 533 million user records On the social network, you can access their personal information for free and for free.

Data was hacked in 2019 and Facebook fixed a flaw that was exploited by malicious individuals in the summer. For the past three months, the files have all been exchanged for high prices, something Facebook never knew Such a big personal data breach Of its users.

Among the victims in this incident, are 19 million French. Unfortunately, if you created before August 2019 your Facebook account is likely to be a part of it. To find out, a special site offers Simple verification tool, With the help of your email address similar to the address you use for your Facebook profile.

A site to check it out

Of course, we do not recommend downloading the file uploaded to the forum in question. But go on stage ” Am I pwn up? », (Non-commercial) reference to verify that our personal data has been compromised as a result of data breaches.

All you have to do is click on the site and enter the email address you used to open your Facebook account. No password required, so you can also check the address of your friends or relatives.

The site’s interface is “Am I pwn up?” Allows you to verify that your email address has been compromised © Am I pwn?

In its results, the site asks “Am I disconnected? Your address does not specify whether a particular personal data is the subject of the leak, whether it exists, or on how many sites. This service was created to analyze multiple database shipments, and the latest updates to the site include a Facebook leak.

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I worry: what are the consequences?

Personal data breaches continue to suffer the same fate: stolen files are resold by hackers to malicious individuals or companies, and then exchanged for free on the web several months later.

In the case of Facebook data leaks, the users involved usually provided their first and last name, date and place of birth and sometimes their phone number. Data that fully dedicates itself to one of the major pitfalls of personal data breaches: “Fishing”.

This is the main point where you want to get your attention. ‘S fraudulent technique “Fishing” (Phishing in French) The most popular scam and Sometimes it is difficult to identify. By email or SMS, malicious people try to click on links by playing with administrations, customer service and your emotions.

If your e-mail address used on Facebook is subject to data breach, you may receive this type of fraudulent email. We advise you – especially via SMS – to never click on links, check the author’s email address, and never trust messages that directly categorize your mailbox as “spam” (unwanted messages).

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Issued by: Pittefender