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Final Fantasy 7 and 8 Remaster Double Pack is coming to Nintendo Switch in selected territories

Final Fantasy 7 and 8 Remaster Double Pack is coming to Nintendo Switch in selected territories

Get ready for some RPG classics on the Nintendo Switch.

The Nintendo Switch Versions of Final Fantasy 7 And Final Fantasy 8 Remastered Sold together in the new physical issue, but only in selected areas.

Final Fantasy 7 is a game that once marked the decline of Nintendo and Square Enix relationships. The Final Fantasy series only appeared on Nintendo consoles until the release of Final Fantasy 7, which caused a rift years later when the Square ship jumped into the PlayStation. It only took twenty years, but a redesigned version of Final Fantasy 7 was announced for Switch in 2018, finally bringing the game to the Nintendo system. It was a year later that Final Fantasy 8 Remastered brought the mainline original PlayStation Final Fantasy games to Switch.

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Remixers of Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 8 are currently only available on the Nintendo Eshop‌, but this is about to change in some areas. Announced last month Final Fantasy 7 / Final Fantasy 8 is coming to Remastered Twin Pack Switch, But only in Asia. The official Final Fantasy Twitter account has announced that the game will be coming to Australia, Europe, the Middle East and New Zealand on December 4, 2020.

There is currently no word on a North American release date for the Twin Pack, but it is expected to be released in most other territories. The switch area is free, so importing the game is also an option.

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It’s a shame to miss out on the Final Fantasy 9 collection, as it brings all the major Final Fantasy games from the original PlayStation in a single package. Final Fantasy 7 / Final Fantasy 8 Remastered Twin Pack is still great, because these games are very well aged. QoL additions and visual enhancements mean that these versions of Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 8 are the perfect way to experience them on modern systems.

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Final Fantasy 7 / Final Fantasy 8 Remastered Twin Pack will be released on December 4, 2020 for the Nintendo Switch. The game is available in Australia, Europe, the Middle East and New Zealand.

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