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Fifteen years after the launch of the Sirius Sam 2, it has received a major update - Nert 4. Life

Fifteen years after the launch of the Sirius Sam 2, it has received a major update – Nert 4. Life

Crotium has announced an introduction Massive update Per Serious Sam2, Preceded by title Fifteen years ago, Which was until 2005. The project was carried out in collaboration with independent developer Nathan “TVK” Brown, and was born out of the never passive desire in the minds of Croatian developers to give the game a second chance.

TVK, an experienced motorist and big fan of the Series Sam series, came up with an idea to relaunch Sirius Sam 2. The result is a Mega Patch It adds two new weapons, improves sprint, dual capability, rocket jump, graphics and animations, and introduces a radar to detect the status of enemies, NPCs and targets. In addition, a dozen new multiplayer maps have been introduced to please. Give everything a completely free form, some sparkles, and retain the minimally beloved chapter of the saga. Note that the update is only valid for the PC version of Sirius Sam2. The version for the first Xbox will not be updated. Writing this is weird, but good to mention.

In the meantime, play the latest Sirius Sam 4.

Extreme Sam 2: A Moment of the Game
Extreme Sam 2: A Moment of the Game

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