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F-Zero GX maker Toshihiro Nakoshi wants to work on a new episode

F-Zero GX maker Toshihiro Nakoshi wants to work on a new episode

It seems that Nintendo is the only one who doesn’t like the new F-Zero

F-Zero One of Nintendo’s most popular series is a new episode that has been screaming for years. The last home game was actually in 2003, F-Zero GX, Was released on GameCube and is still very popular today despite being for many years.

Producer of the game Toshihiro Nakoshi, Is very popular for the Yakuza series interviewed these days Red bull Who expressed his will Work on the new F-Zero.

These are his words:

Hmmm, maybe not really counting on this, I have to admit I have a lot of affection for the F-Zero GX. If possible, I would not worry.

If so, I want to make this a challenging game. If Nintendo wants a racing game that is “fun and accessible”, Mario Kart is already there for that purpose.

Toshihiro Nakoshi

So Nakoshi’s preference is consistent with all F-Zero fans: the series should have a new episode Put us back in Captain Balkan’s shoes, Thanks only to Super Smash Brothers.

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