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Excellent experiment for scientists and engineers

Excellent experiment for scientists and engineers

Participate in our free online tutorial dedicated to designing experiments.

The best way to make discoveries when there are many variables or factors to consider is the design of experiments (DoE). However, these methods are rarely taught. This tutorial will introduce you to their uniqueness and how they allow you to create the most efficient solutions in the blink of an eye.

Experimental designs allow:

Mod Improving a process to achieve multiple goals when there are plenty of components to be replaced
Make additional plans using the resources available
Processes solve problems in the manufacturing process, they should be well installed, but they give a variety of results
Processes Discover new processes

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You will gain a solid understanding of the design of the experiments.

An effective and certifying learning

Training provided by experts, they will answer questions and provide real-time assistance. The theory and practice of designing experiments will be explained to you and then you can try it yourself.

Attend five webinars to get certified.

Use data and get in touch

The design of the tests will allow you to get results quickly and efficiently. With quick R&D and tools to make important decisions, you will save time and money and gain a significant competitive advantage.

View experimental data from a different perspective to discover new insights and make a real impact on your presentations and communications to key stakeholders.


Training will take place from March 15 to 19.

A 45-minute interactive webinar will be held daily.

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You can book each session individually.

Day 1: Introduction to experimental designs

March 15 at 11:00 am.
Concrete examples will help scientists and engineers understand why design is an essential tool for experiments.

Day 2: Factor tests

March 16 at 11:00 am.
Make simple designs of tests and analyze.

Day 3: Screening tests

March 17 at 11:00 am.
When changing many things, you can find some essential factors.

Day 4: Answer surface tests

March 18 at 11:00 am.
How to better understand complex systems and processes.

Day 5: Instructions and good practices

March 19 at 11:00 am.
Tips on how to properly use the design of experiments in your work.

Download the trial version of the software

The tutorial covers practical exercises that you can do using JMP software. You need to download it for free and then activate it Software evaluation version, Accessible for 30 days. We advise you to download and activate it before starting the training.