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Epic Games: A mysterious free game every day for 24 hours [Update: Shenmue 3]

Epic Games: A mysterious free game every day for 24 hours [Update: Shenmue 3]

Notice: With the leak of free games so far everything seems to be fine, as predicted today is only 24 hours Shenmu3Before the next “mysterious” game starts at 5pm tomorrow. We report separately on Epic’s holiday sales.

Sale of epic games

Sale of epic games

What: Epic

The leak of 15 free games at the Epic Games Store last week caused a stir. Epic did not announce a specific topic at 5pm today, but since it is a “mysterious game” the speaker’s prediction has come true. Will the Epic Winter Sale start today and continue until December 30th. A new free game is only available for 24 hours each day and will be unveiled from 5pm. Incidentally, it will also show what lessons can be learned from Square Enix இறுதி 80 play for the final Fantasy 7 remake Intergrade Pulled.

Epic Games: What is the quality of free games?

In the Epic Games Store it’s even quieter. Area Free games Continue as Reform Facility Manager Prison Architect As well as the Godfall Challenger Edition Granted, this is only about because it caused unnecessary attention A specific area Action game. Otherwise the countdown to the mysterious game is declining, if at all The French leak is correct, Then Shenmue 3 will not only appear at 5pm, but also has a 24 hour download period in addition to the weekly offers. And: December 17th will be a new mysterious game. Will be displayed. From 5 p.m., a final assessment can be made as to whether the predictions will be fulfilled.

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It’s exciting to see if there are any more specific leaks about the games. Apparently, the French leaker knows all the topics already planned, but only wants to publish them if they come from another source. The only indication of the quality of the games: the bold titles on the list have never been in the free world and have been critically acclaimed. This applies, among other things, to the aforementioned Shenmiu 3, December 17, December 19, December 20, December 22 and 25. And 28.12. Especially the game on December 25th. Must be the best of all games wasted as part of the offer days.

Shenmue 3 received very mixed reviews. The PS4 version was dropped by critics An average of 67, Users gave it 77. On the computer, the title created it A 69 from critics And for users 61. Steam users later came to enjoy Shenmue 3, lo and behold 81 percent approved Best of all values. Are you waiting for Shenmue 3? Use the feedback function to let us know what you think.

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