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Empty trash in the countryside, princely: troubled

Empty trash in the countryside, princely: troubled

PRINDICE – In the open countryside, in the industrial area south of Princete, emptied a truck full of waste. A 54-year-old man from Brindisi who was surprised by the forest police is in trouble. This is the P.S. Integrated Environmental Law “).

The Forest Police is involved on a daily basis in everything from collection, transportation and disposal (read: abandonment or uncontrolled storage) to “wild denial” or widespread occurrence of illegal administration in most provinces. This is why Hallier got caught up in this activity.

Photo of waste trucks Seizure PR 1-2

During a patrol in the industrial area south of the capital, a patrol saw a truck a short distance from the Brindisi Forest Station, from which various items, indirectly, were wasted. They then chased the vehicle, meanwhile stopping it quickly to investigate the Provincial Road 88 “Lithuania Suite” case.

The truck first lost its tracks; So, on a dirt road off the coast, it was found near a canal bordered by reeds. The vehicle has “overturned” all its loads on the ground: “empty cellars”, furniture derived from plastic, mattress, building work debris.

The army then subjected the garbage dumped on the ground and the truck handed over to a judicial guard for criminal confiscation action. For crimes committed, in addition to restoring and restoring the status of places, fines of up to six months to two years and fines of 2,600 to 26,000 euros are imposed, as these are hazardous waste, inevitably criminal investigation by administrative definition, introduced by Law No. 68 of 2015 “(It is also found that there is no risk of pollution to the environment).

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