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Quake ist wieder zurück!

Earthquake again! – Shooter display

There is a big reason for all longtime shooter fans to be happy now: Earthquake has been officially re-released by the developers and is shining in new light.

It first started in Doom, and then the shooting sensation was further provided by the earthquake in the 90s. While in recent years Bethesda has been focusing more on relaunching the Doom experience, now it seems to be interested in other great shooters.

As part of a new trailer, Bethesda announced that the quake should grow a little bit. Visually, the gaming experience has been elevated to a new level to do justice to the current performance of computers and consoles.

The “2021 edition” offers the full campaign, including its enhancements. On top of that, there are also new extensions that push the story a little more. Of course, online and local multiplayer is considered a co-op option.

Ultimately, it also focuses on cross-game support, which means PC players and consoles can fight together. With just 10 euros, you don’t have to dig deep into your pocket. If you are not planning anything for the weekend, this might be the perfect change for you!

The game is already available on Steam! The version for the Xbox Series S and X and PlayStation 5 is coming. You can find all the information about this on the product page of the title Steam.

This announcement gives players a lot of confidence and courage, and Bethesda can think of a new series. How do you see the opportunities for that? Do you think a lot more will come?

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Content Manager and Assignment Female in the Men’s Group since 2014. Crazy about bioshock and other shooters who fall in love with tea, books, series and Connaught. Sometimes he believes it was accidentally transferred at birth in Asia and shipped to Germany. Ohorat? Ohorat.