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E.A.  Throttle to Complete Next Need for Speed ​​Battlefield 2021 - Need for Speed ​​2022

E.A. Throttle to Complete Next Need for Speed ​​Battlefield 2021 – Need for Speed ​​2022

Is one year from EA AnnouncedDevelopers of Scale Games have turned Studio Ghost Games into a major developer of the Need-for-Speed ​​series to work on a new racing game. Serious racing fans hope we can play the fruit of their efforts this year. Unfortunately, that does not happen.

Polygon Laura spoke to the mail, which said E.A. “Chief Studios Officer”, Which confirmed to them that the title for the upcoming pace has been pushed to 2022. According to the manager, there are three main reasons for this: The first is linked to infection, which is said to have significantly reduced production. Number two is the fact that the scale helps the DICE with war rights. The publisher had to set priorities to prepare for this year’s war game by the promised date.

Additionally (Reason # 3) the recently acquired Godmasters Studio is already working on a racing game for fall, so racing fans in 2021 will not go empty-handed. So the publisher wants to prevent the release of two identical headlines. This information is partly e.g. Items Glowing in more detail.

Need for Speed ​​2022

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