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DS’s order to DSGA

DS instruction for DSGA: Download form at attachment (Saturday 21 August 2021)
The Order Relevant to the objectives and guidelines of the implementation of public and administrative services for the school year 2021/2022 issued annually by the School Manager, at DSGA, Created to better define the behavior to be followed in administrative and contracting procedures, which is the responsibility of the company. Article
Study in horizontal school


Twittereowyn962010 : RT ImolaOggi: Modena, shock order: ‘Packed lunch’ outside the canteen for firefighters without a green pass – Chopper Simon : RT @ RItaliaN21: Firefighters without Green Pass forced to “chase” lunch from canteen: shock order in Modana: https: // t … – Marimario1 : RT @viaggrego: #VigilidelFuoco without #GreenPass “expelled” from Mensa and #Macena: forced lunch on shock order #Modena https: // t … – Crosby Daniel : Art @giorgiology: @tonini_staff @istupsan @vi__enne @ondatait @napo @OpencovidM @GIMBE @Rb_Bat @Cartabellotta GiovaQuez @Ruffino_Lorenzo a Patemariana81 : RT @viaggrego: #VigilidelFuoco without #GreenPass “expelled” from Mensa and #Macena: forced lunch on shock order #Modena https: // t … –

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