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Downloads M5S Pd and selects forces

Downloads M5S Pd and selects forces

CIVITANOVA – The referendum of the Grilli Assembly, elected by a majority of Siamo Cividanova’s candidate lawyer. A decision that could also divert Piero Gismondi’s La nuova città list. Summit tomorrow


Stefano May – Team Leader M5s

Civitanova representatives of the 5-star movement have chosen the path of civilization, and last night the majority decided to support the candidacy of Mayor Sylvia Skutrani. The long push with the Christmas holidays before the actual election campaign began was dispelled. The apparent alliance between the Democrats and the 5-star movement did not start from a distance. Pentastellati has chosen Sylvia Skutroni in the name of Mirella Bacchialunga, the candidate nominated by the center-left., Lawyer from Civitanova, former councilor of the furniture governing body, former chairman of the TdC of the Ciarapica administration later resigned and is now a candidate on the SiAmo Civitanova list.


Mayoral candidate Sylvia Squatroni

Stefano Mai, however, has not yet released any statement and has postponed commenting for the scheduled press conference this afternoon. From what is known, the name of the committee was preferred by the majority of the legislature. It is now a decision that could change the axis of the alliances and pull another civic body that always revolves around the center-left towards Squadroni, “New City” by Piero Gismondi It received about 1100 -1300 fixed votes and 7% in 2017. On the other hand, the Democratic legislature is scheduled for tomorrow evening, which will be open to all consolidation and may comment on the analysis of the 5 star vote and the non-citizen political structure of Gismondi.

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