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Scuola, mascherine, Green Pass, test salivari: scarica il PDF con le linee guida dell'Iss

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The School Is in between Masks, spacing, green bass Sample saliva tests have new rules for all face-to-face lessons. The rules vary according to the age of the students and vary between schools and universities. Because of this Institute of Higher Health He has drawn up a document with guidelines keeping the lessons in mind. PDF with instructions here.

At school, when wearing masks

The Masks They are compulsory in school and university for everyone 6 years and older. Then there are several rules. Surgical masks are recommended in class, but fabric masks can work as long as all distance rules are respected. If a class, classroom or group of students over the age of 12 has completed the Govt vaccination course, they can Remove the bezel.

Saliva sample test at school

In some model schools, saliva tests will be performed to see if there are any Govt positive students or teachers in the classroom. In these schools, students will be subjected to sample saliva wiping. We are talking 55 thousand students every two weeks, Volunteers and twists. After the first few months, tests are done at home by the parents in the morning as soon as the baby wakes up because the wipe is more accurate. Then you go to the school and give a check to the staff at the entrance.

Green pass at school

While waiting for the super-up to check the green pass of the school staff, the Ministry of Education gives the green light to the simplified procedures. Companies, in fact, can resort to the environmental work of many verifiers, each entrusted to use Check application C19, Already downloadable by everyone and used in restaurants, clubs, and museums where bass is already mandatory. The circular explains that companies can identify different gateways when appropriate and possible, in order to avoid congestion.

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