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Facciolla e Fanelli

“Download the Mayor’s Responsibilities”

Faciolla and Funelli

Faciolla and Funelli ©

Combopaso. Yesterday it was reported that Donato Toma, the regional leader, has established a red zone in Sant’Lia a Pianici, a municipality that has been hit hard by a health emergency in these second waves of Govt-19. B.T. Councilors Michela Funelli and Vittorino Faciolla also spoke on the matter.

Again, Toma comes in late and useless.

The health condition of a Pianici municipality in Sant’Lia is increasingly deteriorating, while the Molise region is increasingly absent and unable to accept its institutional responsibilities to protect public health.

Again, in fact, instead of taking the situation efficiently and courageously, the governor tries to shift his responsibilities to the mayor of Sant’Lia, imposing on him the burden of closing other schools, without taking any other useful action. To control the spread of the virus.

He does so with extreme delay and reluctance, without any ability to affect and control the emergency, but confines himself to a few and ineffective actions, which do not solve Sand’lia’s problems.

So, without delay, this morning, Toma changed his order and ordered, first, to close all schools in the municipal area.

At the same time, you strengthen the ability to locate and assist victims, and coordinate with the prefecture and the police to comply with accepted procedures.

Today, not tomorrow. He and the others are not.

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