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Download the free GeoPortal on Futura

Download the free GeoPortal on Futura

Geoportail is a free tool provided by the French government and operated by IGN (National Geographic Institute). It is a complete mapping tool that provides access to a large number of basic maps to create individual maps.

Geoportile can be used directly from the online service, i.e. from the website. This is the best way to use the service, if you have a computer. This service provides both mobile applications for smartphone or tablet under Android or iOS (iPhone, iPad). These applications are rarely updated, but they provide access to all geoportile data. Additionally, thanks to geolocation, you can show the map directly where you are.

How to use GeoPortal?

On mobile

On a mobile device, the interface is minimized to leave as much space as possible in the menu. Therefore, the display provides a map of where you are (multiple types of locations are possible, especially via GPS chip). Various basic maps can be accessed via the icon representing the two exaggerated squares.

You can move around the map at any time using the cross chairs located on the bottom right of the screen. You can also look elsewhere through the search box at the top of the screen.

Finally, notice the main menu at the top right of the screen, located at the end of the search area, which allows you to adjust all application parameters and link to your GeoPortal account.

Via the website

When you visit the Geoportail website, there is a search area in the center of the screen where you can specify your location. Start typing the name of the place and a list of choices will appear to help you find the right place. If you already have a GeoPortal account, click on the star in the upper right to connect with it and access your maps.

When your search is complete, the screen displays an aerial view of the selected location. Below left is a view from the top, which allows you to move your location farther. You can also see the exact size of the scene.

The background maps used for the display are on the top right (icon of the layer of squares). To select another basic map, you have two solutions: go through the list of basic maps displayed, click the Data + button, otherwise you can directly click the menu button at the top left of the screen and it will provide all the basics. Maps are available.

You can stack as many background maps as you want, change the display sequence and opacity, and manage them from the appropriate menu.

What features does Geoportal offer?

Geoportile allows you to create a personal space where you can store your searches, your favorite places and maps. This allows you to store all the information you want and then easily find it. Creating an account is free and allows you to sync your data across all your devices.

Geoportile provides multiple basic maps for all applications. You have access to IGN basic maps, cadastral parcels, administrative boundaries, aerial photos, and more. You will find data related to agriculture, culture and heritage, sustainable development and energy, economy, education, health, tourism and regions and transportation.

Data available on Geoportail are available from a number of organizations, including the National Institute for Regional Coordination (ANCT), the BRGM (Bureau of Geological and Mining Research), the CNES (National Center for Space Research), and the CRIGE (Center for PACA Regional Geographic Information Center). Center for National Monuments, BnF (National Library of France) and many private and public organizations.

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