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Attestation de vaccination Covid : en France, comment l

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VACCINATION CERTIFICATE. Anyone who has been vaccinated against Covit-19 in France will get a vaccination certificate, which will be a testament to the health proficiency effective June 9. The paper certificate can be stored via QR-code in the TousAntiCovid application. It can also be downloaded via the telescope.

[Mise à jour lundi 7 juin à 19h14] The Health Pass Coming into effect June 9 in France. At the end of each injection of the vaccine against Govt-19, the vaccinated person receives 2 documents: The Vaccine contraction and l ‘Vaccination certificate Certificate. Vaccine Summary Unlike a certified vaccine certificate, it is a document that does not provide independent access to the vaccinated person. This summary includes the block number (information not appearing in the certificate codes) of the injected vaccine. Certification Can she be? Digitally integrated via QR-code To scan At TousAntiCovid-Carnet. This is only valid Once the vaccination schedule is complete That is, both sizes are managed. Otherwise it remains the same Status “Active”. The certificate of validity is one of the three proofs of a health pass, along with the RT-PCR or antigen test and the Certificate of Recovery from Covit-19. Vaccination certificate (or two other documents) may be requested During meetings In the national territory Or cross boundaries. From May 27, it may be Uploaded via Telescope service Formed by health insurance. Health insurance will provide the possibility of telescopic service Download certified vaccines certified in accordance with European standards And bilingual French-English, From June 21st. How to? Download? What does it look like? Information.

Definition: What is Covit Vaccine Certification?

Vaccine certification a Certificate Officer of the French Administration for the Vaccine against Covit-19. This certificate is issued immediately after vaccination. It can be stored in digital format via QR-code in the TousAntiCovidCarnet application In the case of travel Or meetings in France. Most countries ask you to provide documents that indicate a recent negative test (mostly RT-PCR), proof of recovery, or existing vaccination certificates. Its purpose is to control the spread of the virus (and Types) Will allow the resumption of international travel between countries and during transport.

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Example: What does a paper certificate look like?

The vaccination certificate contains the following data:

  • Identification of the vaccinated person;
  • The name of the vaccine for the last injection;
  • Last injection and vaccine status.

This certified vaccine certificate has two visible electronic stamps. :

  • Datamatrix (a type of QR code) used to authenticate a document via the 2D-DOC standard, used by the French administration to certify its documentation,
  • A QR code Allows the user to save their digital certificate to the TousAntiCovid Carnet process (TousAntiCovid Tracking is in use). “It allowsMust have personal and official certification of test and vaccination certificates, Which will be recognized by the government, competent authorities, and secondly by EU countries and countries abroad when crossing borders. ” Recalls health insurance in its press release.

Certification Vaccine Govt
Example of vaccination certificate against Govt-19. © Health insurance

From May 3, 2021, any person who has been vaccinated against Covit-19 will be issued a so-called “certified” vaccine certificate after they have paid. In paper form, By an accredited health professional for the vaccine. This vaccination certificate is produced from the Govt Vaccine Telescope Service launched by Health Insurance on January 4, 2021, from which the health professional can download the vaccine summary that should already be issued to the patient.

The patient can download their certified vaccination certificate one way or another Specific telescopic service set up by health insurance It can be identified by him Contact France.

After each dose of the vaccine, a newer version of the certificate is available.

Those who are not proficient in digital tools Or no access Ask the professional for their paper certification Or In the middle Whoever vaccinated them or failed, they collect it from the attending physician or any other health professional.

If vaccinated before May 3, You can get your certificate directly through your insurance remote service.

The vaccine certificate can be downloaded through a telescope service set up by Health Insurance at any type of terminal – computer, tablet or smartphone. This service makes it easy to obtain a vaccine certificate against Covit-19 after each injection received in France. It is designed for the beneficiaries of a French health insurance plan. For you Identify with France Connect, Your Amelie account, your MSA account, your tax code will require your access codes …

  • Go
  • Identify with France: Choose the personal account you wish to link to: Amelie Account of Health Insurance, Mutual Social Agrigolin (MSA) Personal Location, Special Area of ​​ or Authorization to Connect with France.
  • Click the “Vaccine Certificate – Health Insurance” button to download in PDF format.
  • You can store the certificate on your smartphone, computer or tablet and then print it or print it if you have downloaded it on a computer, you do not have a printer to print it. Keep it on his phone. After each injection of a single dose of the vaccine, a newer version of the certificate is available.
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Health insurance at the remote archive will provide the opportunity to download certified vaccine certificates Comply with European standards And bilingual French-English June 21.

© Dows Antigovit-Garnet

The vaccine certificate can be downloaded and stored in the TousAntiCovid-Carnet application.

  • Download the TousAntiCovid app for free Appstore Or Google Play Store.
  • On the first page of the application, go down and click on “My Book”.
  • Go to the bottom of the page and click “Scan the QR Code”.
  • Scan the QR code located to the right of the paper certificate.
  • If you need help importing your certificate, you can call the hotline 0 800 08 71 48 (9 days a week from 9am to 8pm).

It is possible to have your vaccination certificate in PDF format. For this;

  • Go
  • Identify with France: Choose the personal account you wish to link to: Amelie Account of Health Insurance, Mutual Social Agrigolin (MSA) Personal Location, Special Area of ​​ or Authorization to Connect with France.
  • Click the “Continue on Vaccine Certification – Health Insurance” button Download in PDF format.
  • You can save the certificate on your smartphone, computer or tablet and then print or take a picture of it.

The vaccination certificate is valid only after the completion of the vaccination cycle. Although a certified vaccine certificate is obtained after each injection, it indicates that the vaccine is “active” if the second dose has not yet been administered.

Ever If you have occasional goiter you only need one injection of the vaccine. This currently causes some issues with Amelie’s telecommunications service to download its certificate. The telescope service actually indicates to these people that the vaccine is “active”. On his website, Health insurance explains it Vaccine Certificate The person showing the “current vaccine cycle” After he signed with Covid-19 and received the first dose, May Go to a health professional (Physician, Pharmacist, Midwife, Nurse) Covid vaccine can be entered into the telescope service. He definitely Bring a positive result to your RT-PCR test (between 3 and 6 months). The health expert on the Govt vaccine may indicate that the person’s vaccination cycle is over and then amend the renewed certificate.

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Dates CLES
  • 19 Avril – Launch TousAntiCovid Carnet in the TousAntiCovid application
  • 19 Avril – Use of Positive and Negative Test Certificates: The tested patient receives an SMS linking to the SI-DEP portal and retrieves his certificate for importing it into the Dos Antigovit Cornet.
  • 29 Avril – Deployment of Vaccine Certificates: After the immunization law the patient can import his vaccination certificate at TousAntiCovid Carnet.
  • May 16 – Direct access to the SI-DEP portal to retrieve patient test results. Second Half of May – Direct access to the Health Insurance Telecommunication Service to collect patient immunization certificates.
  • May 27: An online telescope service that allows you to download your vaccination certificate on


News release. Initiation of Certified Vaccine Certifications. Medical insurance. May 3, 2021

Test certificates and vaccination certificates to protect travel within the EU. Ministry of Health. April 19, 2021.