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Do I need to download the new QR code?  - Release

Do I need to download the new QR code? – Release

Govt-19 epidemic in FranceDocument

From Monday, people over the age of 16 will be vaccinated to travel to restaurants, theaters or interstate transport.

Question asked by Gilles-Daniel on January 10, 2022,

Do I need to download a different QR code as I have already updated on my three vaccines?», You ask us about converting the Health Pass into a Vaccine Pass. The law introducing this new device for people over the age of 16 was published in the official journal on Sunday with effect from Monday, January 24th. Many companies now have access to the vaccine certificate, proof of recovery, or contradiction to the vaccine to access daily activities.

For individuals who have already been fully vaccinated, this development does not involve any action, and we explain in an article how PASS works. “TousAntiCovid will not have any manipulations in TousAntiCovid to issue their vaccine license or those who do not have TousAntiCovid will have no new certificate to download. Changes will be embedded in the TAC Verif playback application [à destination des professionnels, ndlr]“, Describes the general direction of contact health Check messages.

Also read: Can recipients of the second dose receive a QR code without an expiration date?

As for the audience, nothing changes. They can submit their resource digitally via TousAntiCovid or in paper form. They must ensure that they provide the correct evidence in accordance with the rules of the Vaccine Pass (or Health Pass for Health Institutions).

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