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Game of Thrones: Découvrez le pactole colossale touché par les acteurs de la série !

Discover the biggest jackpot the cast of the series has ever touched!

In 8 seasons and more than 70 episodes aired between 2011 and 2019, the Game of Thrones series had hundreds of millions of fans on the planet.

Sun exposures

Two years after the series ended, the English newspaper The Sun wanted to celebrate the tenth anniversary of design, presented with dozens of Emmy Awards, revealing a ranking of the best paid actors.

A list, which was prepared Foundation The overall net worth of each comedian.
Many protagonists have reached millions since they worked on the HBO series, not only through their appearance in the series, but also through investments and other collaborations.

You should know that many actors and actresses are asked by brands to promote products. Artists can To touch The huge amount and it is very difficult to resist.

Sean Bean, in first place

Sean Bean tops the list, although he only appeared in the first season of the series after amassing a fortune of .6 19.6 million or over மில்லியன் 22 million. The latter appeared in the movie Troy with Brad Pitt in Ulysses or The Lord of the Rings.

In second place we see Peter Dinglage with 12.63 million euros and finally his brother Nicolaus Coaster-Volta with 13.44 million euros. A little further down the list, Emilia Clark, Sophie Turner, but also Maisie Williams appeared.

Check out the list of highest paid actors and actresses in the Game of Thrones series:

  1. Sean Bean (Etternet »Stark)
  2. Nicholas Coaster-Voltav (Jaime Lannister)
  3. Peter Dinglage (Tyrion Lannister)
  4. Jason Momova (Stone Troko)
  5. Emilia Clark (Daneris Darkarian)
  6. Kid Harrington (John Snow)
  7. Lena Heidi (Jersey Lannister)
  8. Alfie Allen (Theon Greyjoy)
    Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark)
  9. Mickey Williams (Arya Stark)
    Natalie Dormer (Margery Tyrell)
  10. Quentin Christie (Brian de Thorth)
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Game of Thrones: A Worship Series

Around the world, the series has become entirely cult. For those who have absolutely no idea what it is. Here is a summary Note Very original plot.

Not so long ago, in a forgotten moment, a force destroyed the balance of the seasons. In a country where summer lasts a few years and winter lasts a long time, occult powers come to the gates of the Kingdom of the Seven Crowns. The Brotherhood of the Night Watch, which protects the kingdom from anything that might come beyond the security wall, no longer has the resources to ensure the safety of all citizens.

Ten years after the summer, a terrible winter will strike the kingdom with the promise of a very painful future. During this period, conspiracies and rivalries erupted on the continent to seize the Iron Throne Power Definitely.

French, fans of the series

For more than twenty years, the series has been very exciting. In fact, with various platforms like Netflix, HBO, Canal Plus or Amazon Prime, the series proliferated. We think of the example of Gaza del Papal or Baron Noir. The series with a political background is very popular. We think of the House of Cards as an example.

What viewers want is to be able to have a plot that lasts for months and even years. With the recent imprisonment, the French began to watch the series even more. The number of Netflix subscribers is steadily increasing. Theaters were closed in France, especially for health reasons. Hundreds of movies are completely blocked and cannot be released. There is real traffic congestion.

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Some producers have made the difficult decision to avoid a theatrical release and have signed a deal with Netflix that will release it on stage, not in theaters. For example, this is the case with Madame Claude or The Bronx.