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Discover the backup feature of the new Freebox OS settings for easy configuration

Discover the backup feature of the new Freebox OS settings for easy configuration

Discover the backup feature of the new Freebox OS settings for easy configuration

Expected from the free conference, the function for saving Freebox OS parameters is now accessible to all subscribers.

In version 4.5.3 of the Freebox Server Firmware Used today, Free has implemented a new, long-awaited feature. The latter in particular allows you to have certain parameters, such as the precise configuration of the WiFi network, its network name or the associated password, and reinstall them when the box changes or the error forces you. Restart the factory.

Carefully configured Freebox is enough to prevent subscribers from having to restart everything from scratch. But how to recover these saved parameters?

When connected to your standard network, you must first go to Once your login details are entered, go to the Advanced section of your Freebox settings.

To find the “Import / Export Configuration” button, scroll down your page until you reach the “Other” section.

You have two options: export or import configuration. This is definitely the first solution we are interested in here, click “Download”.

In your downloads, you will receive a special file labeled as .bin, which will allow you to reinstall the same parameters in your previous box if the server or box changes.

We recommend storing this file in an easy-to-find location and renaming it to make sure it is not lost or forgotten somewhere on your computer. To reset your settings in your new Freebox, all you have to do is select Import instead of Export in the same section and insert this file there.

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Good to know

Some details were provided by the developers, especially during this time Beta testing program This happened before the entire Freebox was shipped to the Navy. First, backup files are compatible with future versions of your Freebox firmware, so there is no need to restart every update. These files are transferable between versions of Freebox.Within the range of material differences“.

Finally, some details about the content not affected by this process. This is what Maxim Bison, head of Freebox Developers, explains.Everything on the Hard Disk: Records, VM Disks … Backed Up and Never“.

Other parameters are not yet backed up to subscribers, but will be added when updates are made: list of favorite packages, contacts & current downloads & RSS, applications & token API (access to API freebox OS) as well as the registration table. “Everything else will be savedThe operator explains.