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Dirk Jingler's Stamtz Slogans: Welcome to the Eighties, 1. FC Union!  - Sports

Dirk Jingler’s Stamtz Slogans: Welcome to the Eighties, 1. FC Union! – Sports

1. At the last general meeting of the FC Union, someone dared to ask if vegetarian sausages were preferred on the field. What led to an embarrassing scene back then is now being extended, this time only publicly.

Union President Dirk Jingler said in “Sport-Build”: “In principle, I have nothing against vegetarian sausages, but we will not fulfill every wish. For us, football means: Broadwurst, beer, 90-minute football.” – Sad though.

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The provision of vegetarian food options at the stadium is too high to be clearly heard. The union also has a partner with an appropriate range. So you do not want to offer it. Where are we going? Preferably non-alcoholic beer? Oatmeal in coffee? Anyway, you really need to reconsider the whole idea with the offsite rule, penalty shoot-outs and stop time! Everything was fine, who needs change? Especially not many cultures in Berlin.

But Zingler did not stop sausages, he also had some populist slogans on the topic of gender equality language. “We don’t gender as a club,” Jingler said. The language in the stadium should be rough, but not offensive or discriminatory – it certainly would not be if there was no gender and frankly not every person is welcome. These statements are weak because Zingler has always insisted that his 1. FC Union is the most cosmopolitan club. The union does not want to exclude anyone, but says its concern for its own fans is not a bar.

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And when it comes to food, when vegetarian dishes are served, you have to ask yourself who is stealing from? Nonetheless, everyone will get their money’s worth, and Mr. Jingler can still enjoy Broadwurst and beer. He wanted to polarize again with his outrageous “Just Beer and Broadworst” nagging. But he could leave such statements at the next Pub Get-Together, not in the role of president of the Bundesliga club.

If you are afraid that you will not get the value of your money at An der Alten Försterei Stadium, you are welcome to drop by the regional league team, Tennis Borussia, which promises via Twitter that both vegetarians and non-vegetarians will be packed on Mommsenstadion. “Come as you are. The S3 trains run from Copenhagen without changing trains.