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Olbia, pellegrinaggio al Covid: la diocesi

Diocese “unloads” Don Francesco Tamponi

Olbia. The words of Don Francesco Tamponi, head of the Diocesan Office for Cultural Heritage, did not go unnoticed during the pilgrimage to Medjugorje, which gave birth to 200 positive clusters in Govt-19. On the one hand the front attack of the backed Don Francesco TamponiInterview with Nua here) The pope, not even any pope, has ever uttered such harsh words against Medjugorje: in fact, the Church recognized the first scenes in 1981 in a document from 2014 (but only known in the book of Saverio Quito in 2020).

Following the interview, here is the official position of the Diocese of Tempo-Amburias, which, very elegantly, “unloads” Don Francesco Tamponi and emphasizes that his statements are personal. With the reference to an article published in the La Nuova Sardegna newspaper on Wednesday, November 17, the announcements of Don Francesco Tamponi entitled “Stop the unpredictable Madonna” and some subsequent television appearances, the person of the Diocese of Tembio-Amburias is the Bishop of Monsignor Sebastin Required The contents of the above article and those reported in the format are relevant The exclusive responsibility of the priest. His role as head of the diocesan office for cultural heritage did not include any mandate beyond the realm of competence. His office in the diocese and at the regional level “, confirms the diocese.

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