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Dinosaur Planet, the rare Nintendo 64 game appears on the web, and later became Star Fox Adventures

Building fully playable today Dinosaur Planet, Nintendo 64 game canceled from rarity. This action-adventure title, then it became Star Fox Adventures For GameCube, it was obtained and shared online The forest of illusion, The team that released the beta of the Zelda 64 last month.

With this leak, this is the first time anyone outside of the events of the late 1990s and early 2000s has been able to run the Nintendo 64 version of Dinosaur Planet outside of Rare. According to the Forest of Illusion, the publisher of a book posted on Twitter that the structure was purchased by a private collector in Sweden.

“File date creation indicates December 1, 2000”, The group said on Twitter. “It looks like one of the most recent buildings in the game, which is great, but will require some tweaking to play to the fullest by the end.” The Forest of Illusion points out that with many graphical problems with lights and shadows, no emulator can run 100%.

Announced in 1999, the Dinosaur Planet will be a rare accessory for the Nintendo 64, which will use a wider context and dubbed dialogs with an RAM expansion pack and an unprecedented 512MB cartridge, making it the largest console ever released for the game. However, as the development took longer than expected, Nintendo eventually ordered the project to be converted to the new GameCube console, as well as the ownership of Star Fox.

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