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Differences between the mysterious and legendary Pokemon • Nintendo merger

Differences between the mysterious and legendary Pokemon • Nintendo merger

The number of Pokemon is growing steadily. In PokémontutorialTV’s new video, the differences between the mysterious and the legendary Pokமொmon are explained. Are you always confused? Our Alex is not so sure at times … Bogwiki already gives us good explanations:

  • When The legendary PokemonA term commonly used to describe a very rare Pokமொmon associated with a story. In all, there are 59 of these legendary Pokemon in the eight generations that have appeared so far.
  • The Mysterious Pokemon Pokemon, on the other hand, are particularly rare, and their existence is questioned even because of their rarity. As a rule, they are not available in the regular course of the game, but can only be obtained through event distributions. One exception is dioxin, which is available Pokemon Omega Rubin And Pokemon Alpha Sapphire Problems with regular sports. In addition, in Pokemon Sword And Pokemon shield Catch Geldio if you bought an extension pass. None of these Pokமொmon are required to complete Pokிடmon in major series video games.

You can watch the video from PokémontutorialTV on YouTube here:

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