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Nintendo Switch : Shuntaro Furukawa évoque des problèmes d

Delivery issues in 2022

The Nintendo Switch is set to cross the milestone of 100 million consoles sold worldwide. That means many people already have the console. However, consumer appetite for the Nintendo console has not diminished. This is reflected in the availability of the switch in stores, as Kyoto also faces difficulties in supplying the components needed to make the console.

Nintendo Switch may continue to suffer from distribution issues in 2022. Since the information comes directly from Shundaro Frukawa, the information cannot be very serious. Nintendo’s president really is Gave voice recently About Switch’s outlook for the coming year. According to him, the situation is mild in terms of console production.

Is the demand for the Nintendo Switch even stronger in 2022?

According to Shundaro Furukawa, Nintendo does not have enough switches to meet demand after Black Friday 2021. And for 2022, there is no particular hope:

It depends on the need, but I’m afraid, we will not be able to produce as many units as we want.

Infinite scarcity

This update confirms what Nintendo had planned for late last year. In fact, the manufacturer initially planned to produce 25 million switches in the current fiscal year (ending March 31, 2022). This was the forecast Edited last November. The latest news is that Nintendo is now expecting a total of $ 24 million by the end of the fiscal year.

As a reminder, Nintendo’s capacity range in terms of switch production is linked to the lack of semiconductors. A similar shortcoming affects all console manufacturers. But not only that. Manufacturers of computers, smartphones or simply smart cards are also affected. And the end-stage of this deficit does not seem to be present.

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Are you wondering if Nintendo Switch supply issues will continue until 2022? When do you think demand will decrease? Is Nintendo going to get another big year in 2022? Have you had trouble finding the switch recently? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.